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  • That is not normal. I have been using airforce for a long time, and that is definitely not the norm, unless it's a more recent update, I did take a break from the game). However, while I agree, should always upgrade to level 3, that is not always possible. For example, scenario: - I am invading Australia - I have taken the borneo islands and got my airbase there - I have just taken land in Northern Aus and built airstrips - It takes ~8hr54 mins to build it up to level 2 airstrip... (25% morale j…

  • Quote from K.Rokossovski: “I completely agree with this, it is quite boring that you can only play Pan-Asian in, erm, Asia. It would add a lot of variety on the same-old maps we always play because no new maps have been introduced for ages. The argument that everyone would pick Axis is just ridiculous, it isn't any stronger than the others and for me personally, I like it least. If you have success with it, good for you, but don't talk like that's a golden rule or something like that. ” I second…

  • Hi, There seems to be a new bug now where if I have planes patrolling, and the air base they come from is rocketed, instead of them continuing to patrol and just switching to another air base in range, they are actually returning to refuel at the new air base. This is an absolutely critical issue, because it literally renders all airforce completely useless as soon as rockets are researched on day 6 Scenario: - Planes patrol enemy - Enemy golds level 1 rocket - Rocket damages/destroys airstrip -…

  • Fantastic! Thank you!

  • Hi, Minor bug, but when on mobile, the code has been changed such that now resource figures "round up" rather than "round down" when shortening. Please can this be fixed? User Case: As a user with 2950 "Goods", I see "3k goods". When a teammate requests goods, I see "3k", I go to trade "3k goods" and the teammate is left unable to accept the request, because I don't have 3k goods. Resource figures should round down, not up. I'd rather see "2.9k" instead of "3k" if I have 2.95k - the opposite, se…

  • Hi, There is probably already a thread for this, I didn't check - recently the mechanic was added to "cancel" an upgrade when you e.g. "move" troops after setting them to upgrade.... Please can this be reverted to how it was before (i.e. unable to cancel upgrades)? Aside from making it less "skill-based" i.e. dont upgrade near the frontlines the actual cancellation is too easy, and when you are at (for me) a normal zoom, the "upgrade" icon doesnt appear (mobile) until I zoom in further.... I am …

  • Call of War 2.0 Preview

    ryanb96 - - News


    Quote from freezy: “The thing is that CoW was not winning anymore, as it was not able to gather new players as well as it used to. We had the same situation in our other game Supremacy 1914. We overhauled all graphis and UI there as well, and afterwards we were able to grow the game a lot (even more than CoW nowadays). We believe that the modern graphics will help us do the same in CoW. We want it so stay relevant and up-to-date in the strategy game market. ” @freezy this is more likely down to …

  • New Unit Ideas

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    @DoctorDR1 At the moment Stealth is still a relatively new thing to CoW 1.5 and isn't used as a play style because theres missing elements that render it a bit pointless e.g. there is no stealth planes, or any significant attacking unit so you're very limited to basically using infantry tech branch. It would add an entire new style of play by completing a set stealth units, something for each tech branch. Aside from anything though, they would just add more variation of gameplay with more unit o…

  • New Unit Ideas

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from JesterTheSheep: “Quote from ryanb96: “Name: Pirate Ship. ” No. Piracy hit an all time low in WWII. Sinking ships was far more common than raiding them. Quote from ryanb96: “Name: Assassin Type: Infantry, Stealth ” You're a bit late to the party, my friend. These already exist: Commandos, in the most recent update, are stealth infantry units with a crapton of power. Quote from ryanb96: “Appreciate Blackbird may not be WW2... ” See, we used to have nuclear units, like subs, battleships,…

  • New Unit Ideas

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Hi, Just a couple of new unit ideas to bolster the Stealth-units within the game, and increase the play-style. Name: Pirate Ship. Type: Sea (ship), Stealth The real world has pirates....why not the game? Pirate ships should be a stealth unit and fast moving, and if they engage with an undefended convoy, they take over the unit (Just like pirates takeover a vessel). Obviously there would have to be some kind of balance worked out with this, but say 1 pirate vs. 1 convoy, the convoy(whatever the u…

  • Morale is still an issue

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from OldPotatoes: “I think there must be more to morale than the headline numbers. Here's one of my outlying provinces with morale penalties of 82. By your calculations the maximum it could be is 18%, yet it's morale is 38%. Is the additional 20% from two capitals captured after I took this province? ” Hi OldPotatoes, No this falls in line with my calculations. The "Target Morale" is indeed 18%. If you look, you see "Morale Trend" and its "Fa…

  • It doesn't matter how slow or fast you take the provinces, you will still hit the same issue eventually - it's literally unavoidable, because maths is maths, you can't argue with it. If you havent had the issue, you just havent been in a game long enough to experience it, or been large enough to experience it in a 100-player map. Follow my maths in my previous post, you can't argue with it. - Your starting provinces after 2/3 days are 100%, if you take maybe 1 neighbouring enemy, after couple da…

  • Release Notes - 2021-01-26

    ryanb96 - - News


    @freezy I beleive there is a bug with the new zoom in/out. E.g. whn I zoom out a big I see an allies "trail" of where he is moving his ships to. but when I zoom in, the "trail" / "route" (not sure what to call it) disappears! Bug?

  • Release Notes - 2021-01-26

    ryanb96 - - News


    Love the tags update! The expansion penalty morale reduction isn't enough - it needs to be capped at -20 to prevent a late-game downward spiral on a 100-player map

  • Quote from KingVarchasv: “I think hat yes morale is an issue. There shall be some changes to balance games in full world maps. The distance to capital and neighbour penalty should be decreased. However I don't understand how it makes sense to add an expansion penalty. Yes, you want to make large empires weaker so that the smaller nations can catch up and have a chance of winning, however if Nazi Germany took the world then why will its people we sad and upset about there country covering nearly …

  • Morale is still an issue

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from z00mz00m: “The penalties are cumulative. First, your empire gets on a downward morale trajectory (due to distance and size), then the neighbor penalty kicks in. If you expand quickly (faster than you can build garrisons or propaganda offices) then the downward morale pressure becomes an avalanche. I'm going to be facing a similar situation, because I started in Australia. I'll have to build propaganda offices everywhere, move my capital, and still there's a problem..... because I don'…

  • Many other players I talk to also complain... Im giving the detail

  • Quote from YourGaurdian: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from ryanb96: “Quote from DoctorDR1: “Friendly reminder to be polite. I don't want to intervene, but I will if I have to. ” Sorry, but I'm becoming incredibly frustrated at people repeatedly just spewing nonsense like "just put troops in them" or "move capital" or "recapture them" or "don't move so fast" and not actually reading my posts to understand why that doesn't solve the problem, and the flaw in the morale system that needs a dev …

  • Morale is still an issue

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from DoctorDR1: “Friendly reminder to be polite. I don't want to intervene, but I will if I have to. ” Sorry, but I'm becoming incredibly frustrated at people repeatedly just spewing nonsense like "just put troops in them" or "move capital" or "recapture them" or "don't move so fast" and not actually reading my posts to understand why that doesn't solve the problem, and the flaw in the morale system that needs a dev to look at and fix. Meanwhile, here's todays look at how much morale has f…

  • Morale is still an issue

    ryanb96 - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from YourGaurdian: “Dang... That's a forum. U know what that means? If u wanna have points and morale both, u need to be a little calm. Now here's a suggestion for future... If u play a longitudinal war/war over land mostly, don't go superfast. Capture cities ASA the day starts and defend them at day end. In this time, no city will be rebelled. Also the morale that was 25, now must be 32-35. Now if u are rich enough to build a prop office, ur morale the next day will be 45. Now if u captur…