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  • Discord

    BohemianBandit - - General Discussions


    Quote from Speedychef: “Definitely pro discord, and it would be nice if there as an Official Discord channel. ” Having an official Discord would be MUCH appreciated. Good for new comers and old players to meet, talk, learn mechanics, stay updated, and all the other great parts that come with having a discord community.

  • In the build queue, there is a list of all the buildings and units that have not begun construction or production at all. They just wait, in the order that you set up, to be built whenever enough resources have accumulated and the tile is available to build said unit/building. This happens automatically as soon as there is enough resources making it often impossible to conduct research due to all your resources being immediately diverted to your build queue. I am simply proposing that there be a…

  • Real first world problem here, for the premium users; Would it be possible to add a "Pause All" button to the build queue? It would be really convenient and improve quality of life I think. I often buy resources in order to start a new research project but then they are all taken automatically for my build queue instead. It would just be really nice to be able to pause all builds for a while until I can finish with my other business before unpausing. Thoughts for the developers, and also cheers …

  • So It turns out this doesnt change until the changeover of the day cycle. Thats is when the health pool is upgraded. And no they were not convoys because they were flying and attacking actively, hence my confusion.

  • I've noticed that when I upgraded my aircraft from level 1 to level 4, they retained the same health pool of only 10 health points per aircraft. It didn't seem that this was intentional because the planes that rolled straight off the assembly line at level 4 started off with 41 health per plane. Not sure if the devs are aware, if its a bug, or if im just ignorant of this mechanic.