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  • stuka siren

    kittkarrkitt - - Suggestions / Criticism


    If you would add it to the AXIS planes you would also need to add it to all the other planes. And why dont interceptors have sounds then? What about boats and tanks? What about buildings? Its unnecessary and much to complicated and to much work to actually add. Bytro also has other updates and new features to work on and even other games aswell which will have a much higher priority.

  • There would be a big problem with implementing that. Also, back in 1.0 you could build in every province and basically have 15 urban provinces in your coreland. It was pretty OP and didn't fit the games future. Also, there are enough urban territories right now (100 map atleast). Being able to create Militia everywhere possible would be really OP and broken. For example: I attack an country accross the world, capture just 1 province and I am able to stomp out dozens of militia within hours. And …

  • The Unit Name function has been in the game for ever, but the names aren't actually visible anywhere anymore. The "Silence Means Security" release from 24th of september 2020 made unit production, buildings and other things secretive. Before this release you would be able to see units like Atomic Bombs, Railroad Guns, Battleships and Carriers that were produced in the newspaper, both friendly and unfriendly with their specified name. Since this isn't a feature anymore (which is very good) no rep…

  • Nuclear Battleships were an extra variant of Battleships back in the earlier days of CoW, like version 1.0 still had them I believe. These could be researced at the end of the Secret Tech tree. I believe they were just as strong and quick as Elite Battleships or a bit stronger and quicker. They might have needed an nuclear reactor to be build, but i'm not sure anymore (its a long time ago ). There were also Nuclear Submarines and Nuclear Aircraft Carriers. Also, nobody really build them becouse …

  • Huh

    kittkarrkitt - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Quote from Hornetkeeper: “When the timer ticks out, your ships should do damage. However, that doesn't mean you necessarily see it (you would in this case, but not always). If the enemy army has been revealed by spies or planes and is currently out of the inner view (the one exposing the army's composition), it changes into an intelligence reveal. Logically, as it's just a snapshot from a certain time, it does not update itself to the current status of the army - you aren't seeing the army, just…

  • Yeah, you should make clear on that device and that operating system your playing before requesting such a thing. Its on PC, so just open up a browser on a PC/Laptop and just withdraw it. But I agree, if such a thing is not an option of your device/OS it should be.

  • Quote from Skypier: “all you would have to do is have your interceptors patrol for a few seconds and then call them back and bomb them with your other planes. ” No thats not what I meant. I mean that I dont understand why you MUST have a interceptor in the stack with your bombers to make your bombers do damage while on patrol. Why can't there be a stack of bombers patrolling the enemy and a interceptor at the same time also scouting that same enemy unit. Not scouting and then making a bomber sta…

  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote from MadMike69: “have you tried added an interceptor to the bombers stack? ” No I did not try it, but I knew that would likely fix it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote from Hornetkeeper: “This is a feature, not a bug. ” Quote from Hornetkeeper: “That happens even if other units of yours have spotted the stealth units. ” How does that feature make any sense though? Why woul…

  • Pictures of the issue in action: (PIC1) (PIC2) ----------------------------------------------------------- PATROL BOMBARDMENT (PIC3) (PIC4) ------------------------------------------ TO be clear, the target is scouted and within the partrol range.

  • Hey. I have run in to a problem multiple times not concerning stealth units and killing them. I have an example here: (PIC 1) My enemy has 3 Tank Destroyers level 1 which are stealth units and they are in a forest province. I have multiple Attack Bombers and Multiple Tactical Bombers patrolling above this unit. (PIC2) I also have 6 Fighters level 3 patrolling above the Tank Destroyers so I am able to see them. (PIC3) Even with the Fighters scouting the enemy tanks, my bombers on patrol DO NOT do…

  • Huh

    kittkarrkitt - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Yeah I had something similar to this. I had 4 Battleships and 4 Cruisers-LVL3 as an Allies nation versus an Axis nation with 4 Cruisers-LVL3, and he did DOUBLE or 3 TIMES the damage to me while I had more health, ships (battleships too which he did not) and the same amount of cruisers. I did almost nothing to him while he just annihilated me.

  • Quote from ValeraZol: “Not man... Not a bunch of people agree with the update... but only YOU ” The most people that have posted here are disliking the update, but that doesn't mean there aren't a bunch of people that like the update, they have just posted less/not posted which is really common when a update is executed well. People that dislike it normally start giving feedback and complaints (which is good). Just because they are more silent, doesn't mean they are not there or there are less o…

  • I think this would indeed look good, especially the replaced balloon button things. This would make it easier to see what your pressing on and where the button stops. It would also give a nice and modern touch to it just like the last few interface updates for desktop. Im not sure about the resource part though. I think the circles are not necessary and a bit to messy. Also, a border would be needed between the name and flag part of the top interface and a golden background (kind of like what it…

  • Quote from freezy: “Hey guys, as mentioned in my earlier post (please read it, >link<) we are currently collecting your feedback, bugs and ideas for improving the army labels. ” Quote from freezy: “But we agree that there is still room for improvement and that's why we want to keep improving it with your help. ” I see a lot of replies complaining about the update being sh*t and everything that is wrong and the dev's not listening to the community and not caring. First of all, they made this foru…

  • Quote from ips: “if no1 like new update do you prefer change it or lose all players?? a good new thing 'd be the journal reserch for time or nation since in 100 players game find wat happen require lot of time ” (removed message)

  • Quote from fillthenofill: “Us call of war players are the only thing keeping your company alive ” You know that you cannot speak for all the CoW players right? I bet a lot of people like this update, and I personally already got used to it, and it works fine (exept my concerns in my previous reply). And its fine that you dont like it, just dont think your opinion is the only one. Quote from fillthenofill: “I have 3 separate accounts all with high command and if you guys don't listen to our feedb…

  • Quote from CorporalCole: “My second complaint is it is now very hard to see what units of yours are under fire, as the new lightning symbol is very small and not easy to see. before it was a large circle, and it was clearly obvious to see where your units were attacking / being attacked, and how long it would take before their next attack would take place. Now all we get is a tiny lightning symbol at the top of the unit icon that makes it very hard to see which units are being attacked and which…

  • I think the new update is something you just need to get used to, I have some slight concernes about how far you can zoom out without getting the new icons, but thats it. It looks fine, and gives a real feel it. If you would wage war in real life, you would also have division names and numbers (unit types in this game) on your land map. I might see a problem though. Since all the allies icons will be green, I think it will be hard to see which troops belong to which ally for example when they ar…

  • What units?

    kittkarrkitt - - Questions and Answers


    Infanrty: Alot of Regular Infantry, some Motorized Infantry and maybe a few Mechanized Infantry. A few paratroopers are also realistic. Ordnance: Steady amount of all ordnance, exept SP. bit less from that. Armor: A shit ton of light tank, a good amount of medium tanks and a fair amount of heavy tanks and Tank destroyers. Some armored cars to combine them with your infantry. Aircraft: A good amount of Fighters, Attack Bombers and Tactical Bombers. Navy: 1x lvl4 Battleship (bismarck). Just a few …

  • Scout Boats

    kittkarrkitt - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Oceans and Scouting, what a combination. Scout Boats might be the solution to having no idea where anything is on the ocean. They are Quick and have a good vision range which makes them execellent for scouting open oceans or patrolling coasts. They are horrible when fighting though, they have no ranged attack, little health and weak strenght. Scout Boats cannot reveal any units that have stealth capabilities, and will not show unknown units for units like Militia and Commando's. Per level the un…