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  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    So? The time has come, hasn`t it?

  • So? The time has come, hasn`t it?

  • Quote from Andromeda: “the Ukranian names used during WWII (ex. Kiev) ” Let me remind you, that USSR did not have de jure an official language over most of its history, until 1990 But in Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian language had an official status. Obviously, the cities were named in Ukrainian.

  • Quote from YDSTRIKER: “The best part is that some provinces: Kowel (Idk what it's called in EN, UA), Lviv, Vilnius (Lithuanian just that) have two names, some are in Polish and some are in English. Of course, they should show names in other languages, because I wouldn't feel comfortable reading the names of places in a language as difficult as Polish. ” That could be a point.

  • Quote from lt rubber duck: “kiev noun Київ Kiev this is what im translator has . not real close phonetically but probably correct for ww2 time ” Київ transcription is literally [Kyjiw]

  • Quote from lt rubber duck: “the problem with names there is no direct translations most time. example of this s German to English no English letters are equivalent to some German so an approximation is used . Russian is even worse. Russian uses a lot of letters and names with no direct equivalent ” I`m not talking about Russian cities and Russian names. Ukrainian cites and their names already have an official, world-wide recognized transliteration. The trouble is, that 70% of provinces use corre…

  • Soviet-occupied: - Kyiv (Kiev) The Ukrainian name is Ки́їв, written in the Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet, and usually rendered in Latin letters (or romanized) as Kyiv. Ukrainian is an inflected language, and the genitive form is Ки́єва, Kyieva, meaning "of Kyiv".Before the standardization of the alphabet in the early twentieth century, the name was also spelled Кыѣвъ, Киѣвъ, or Кіѣвъ with the now-obsolete letter yat. The Old Ukrainian spelling from the 14th and 15th centuries was nominal *Києвъ, b…

  • The game is awesome, but some brief changes have to be done In this thread, I will be discussing Ukrainian names, because, as a Ukrainian, I have competence in this field. So, I`ve made a small research on 4 maps: "Europe - clash of nations", "1939 - Blitzkrieg", "1939 - historic world" and "World at war". All in all, misnaming troubles are mainly the same on all of the maps mentioned. But what drives me to create this thread is the mess and the lack of logic (or, more likely - attention) to the…

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Quote from GrandEmpire: “However if i DID own bytro i would change it ” That was the phrase I would like to hear.

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Quote from GrandEmpire: “Alright alright i dont own the Soviet Union or Bytro. but u shouldnt care too much it has little effect in the game. ” As a Ukrainian, I wind it offensive. But as far as no one cares, the feature is too small, to be hard to change. If a single texture will make a group of people happier, it worth changing.

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    In case you still don`t believe the question is urgent, let me show you a thread from a "Russian server", where locals were arguing about the similarity of the flag. Link The discussion took place on Feb 17th 2019. Players keep asking the same questions over and over, again and again. #changeUkrainianFlag

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Some reference information about the usage of the blue-yellow flag during 1939-1945: The red and black flag became popular among young people, particularly in the Plast scouting organization back in the 1920s when the Polish authorities in Galicia persecuted the use of the national blue and yellow flag by Ukrainians (for example, football players of the sports society “Ukraine” played in red and black wear. However, the Soviet-German war began, and the black and red symbols remained informal.156…

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Quote from GrandEmpire: “Yeah i guess youre right but then again this IS WWII 1942... whats wierd is that despite the name of the game it doesnt have a 1942 map ” I`m asking you the same question once again: if a balanced map "clash of nations" has several independent nations instead of the USSR, why should "world at war", despite it follows the same principle of being balanced, has a different symbolics? It doesn't make any sense! If USSR doesn`t exist on the map, why should "soviet republics",…

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Quote from Ciro702: “That's something you would contact the GD about.” Would be glad, if they`d replied. I`m not the first person, who asks this question and, I`m sure, I won`t be the last one. 110320223539130037_f0_0.jpg

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Quote from GrandEmpire: “I reckon they can just have different coluor Hammer and Sickles, also i think a soviet flag is better after all Ukraine was in the Soviet Union no matter who wanted what. Also my question is why is Communist China flag the soviet flag? make it the modern one the old one was similar. ” What`s wrong with "Clash of nations" than? Why did mods decide to put a normal flag in clash of nations in this case? Both game scenarios are non-historical. They play an alternative histor…

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Quote from GrandEmpire: “soviet flag is better after all Ukraine was in the Soviet Union no matter who wanted what ” So what? Why Georgia, Caucasus and Siberia have their national flags (despite being parts of USSR), but not using their soviet symbols? What`s the difference between Georgia and Ukraine?

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions


    Some similar commie flags in one region. There are way TOO many of them. Why couldn`t administration just change one texture, so the game will become better?

  • Ukraine flag?

    Serhii_Shevchenko - - General Discussions

    Post, as "Clash of nations" has a correct Ukrainian flag, why can`t "World at war" have the same? Just look: both maps are quite similar. The maps are divided into lots of nations, that have their local flag. This logic is followed in "Clash of nations", but "World at War" is literally the same idea embodied on a bigger server! Also, Soviet-typed flags look really similar, and there are a lot of them, which makes the game more confusing. Belorussia,…

  • Quote from Arcorian: “Hello everyone, Right now there are no plans for a localization of the game for additional languages right now. This doesn't mean that this won't change if we see the demand for an additional language that is not met by existing localizations already, but right now there are no plans for it. I shared your request with the team though, so the team can evaluate whether we should look into it. ” Thanks for your reply!

  • I`m curious about administration`s reaction. Would be glad to read a reply from an official CoW worker or spokesman. Thanks!