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  • Is there any way to access full images of the in-game maps, particularly the 30p or 100p ones? I've tried stitching together multiple screenshots, but lining them up has proven way harder than I'd anticipated. Additionally, simply zooming out and taking a picture results in an image with a far too low resolution. Thanks, Nicci

  • Heavy fighters

    Pine of England - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from z00mz00m: “Quote from Pine of England: “Never built a TD? You're missing out. Easily the best armoured vehicle. ” Can you elaborate? To me, it's an overpriced AT gun. 1. Both are great at armor defense, terrible at everything else. 2. Both are slow. Yeah, the TD is a bit faster, but not by enough. 3. Both are hidden units, great at setting an ambush in forests and cities. Why pay more resources, especially oil, to research and build an ambush defender? Why burn oil every day on a unit…

  • Heavy fighters

    Pine of England - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Never built a TD? You're missing out. Easily the best armoured vehicle. I don't think there's too many units. Having a diverse array to choose from allows for different playstyles. And using uncommonly used units lets you catch enemies off-guard.

  • Now that performance has been significantly improved, what are the chances we'll see the 260p map - or a similar global map with more than 100 players - become a thing? 100p map is great, but it's been years. We desperately need something new that scratches that same itch.

  • Call of War - 7th Anniversary!

    Pine of England - - News


    Damn, seven years? Happy Birthday, CoW.

  • While in theory gold seems like it would make this game pay to win af, I haven't found it to be the case. Especially now that you can get gold for free on mobile (by watching ads), I honestly don't think it's a problem. The game does, after all, have to be profitable. There aren't a lot of options for them to make it that.

  • Quote from BMfox: “Quote from Pine of England: “With these most countries would be accurately represented. On the 100 player map especially where there are several American "states", and former French and British colonies, it makes sense to break the allied faction down into three parts. ” I know there are a lot of players who are a big fan of the Historical but most of the maps are balanced where there are no colonies and where more doctrines will just overcomplicate the game for new players. ”…

  • The doctrines imo should be themed: 1. American (Replacing allied) 2. Commonwealth 3. Axis 4. Japanese/Pan-Asian 5. French 6. Comintern With these most countries would be accurately represented. On the 100 player map especially where there are several American "states", and former French and British colonies, it makes sense to break the allied faction down into three parts.

  • Hi. Does anyone have screenshots from the (I think now cancelled) 260 player map that was tested a while ago?

  • Release Notes - 2021-07-20

    Pine of England - - News


    I much prefer the new ones. Only thing I'd suggest now is that it might actually be nice if different armies would have different colours. Would make differentiating easy and instant

  • Five New Nations

    Pine of England - - News


    Thank you so much. I have wanted this for so long, especially South Africa and the Netherlands. Peru seems like an odd choice, but I'm glad to see South America's now more full.