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  • Oh boy, Global Warming should be trembling right now .

  • I'm Changing to CoN

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - Off Topic


    Its not horrible, just DEAD. No rollplay, no new mechanics. Neither active players. If you join a 100 players game at day 2 more than 75 people turns inactive. And just 1 of 200 player Roll. That's the problem.

  • I'm Changing to CoN

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - Off Topic


    Do you play on mobile right? Y used to and it was horrible!

  • But then people will buy less gold and Bytro wants money.

  • I'm Changing to CoN

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - Off Topic


    And on CoN's forum there are at least 10 post and 30 answers per day. People is active and the community supports you.

  • I'm Changing to CoN

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - Off Topic


    yeah but I prefer roll and good game mechanics before graphics. Don't U?

  • I'm Changing to CoN

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - Off Topic


    Bytro has destroyed CoW and now I don't know if Call of War stills better than CoN. If someone can explainme the differences between Cow and CoN... Plesase give me reasons to stay here and not playing CoN I'll be nostalgic: ( To many good moments lived with CoW and now I don't wanna leave this game. But maybe its time for change. Gracias y saludos. Viva el Rey.

  • Worse then. In 1932 Spain was between the monarchy and the republic so stills incorrect. In XX century Spain was really unestable. Doesn't matter but just as curiosity.

  • This is one of the Best rollplay post I've ever seen. Your perfect simulation of the spanish politic situation at 1939 should make you proud. I love this thread, congratulations. Spanish civil war, caudillos, spanish culture... I really like this type of post. You are La leche, my friend LA LECHE. Viva el Rey.

  • At the 100 players map Spanish flag is the Republican one. This is historically incorrect. Franco won Spanish civil war in 1939 and the franquist flag was made official the same year. By the other side, Spanish flags in 1939 were the republican an the franquist ones, because of the Civil War, and in the game it only appears franquist flag. This is an historical error Bytro should change. Adiós and Gracias.

  • Bytro should add an AI of the Republican Sapin at the 1939 map. At this year the troops of Caudillo Francisco Franco where fighting against republican forces to control all Spanish territory. This AI should have one city and two provinces. This way Spain could conquer one more AI and it will bring more realism to the game. Maybe Spain and Republican Spain could be in war since day 1 without previous war declaration. Saludos and Viva el Rey.

  • Dead Is Not the End (La muerte no es el final) Spanish army song about dead in combat. Tu nos dijiste que la muerte No es el final del camino Que aunque morimos no somos Carne de un ciego testigo. Tu nos hiciste, somos tuyos Nuestro destino es vivir Siendo felices con Tigo Sin padecer o morir Cuando la pena nos alcanza Por un hermano perdido. Cuando el adiós dolorido Busca en la fe la esperanza. En tus palabras confiamos Con la certeza de que tu Ya lo has devuelto a la vida Ya lo has llevado a l…

  • Should I use SP rocket artillery or SP Artillery? I normally use booth but I don't know the difference between they 2.

  • Ship names

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from Lord Crayfish: “Quote from omnisxiii2: “I prided myself in thinking of ridiculously long, complicated, and posh-sounding ship names that were historically relevant. [...] * Imperatriz Isabel de Braganca * Imperador Pedro I * Imperador Pedro II * Joao IV * Maria I de Braganca * Dom Gaston * Admiral Cochrane * Amazonas * Maria II da Gloria de Braganca * Duque de Caxias * Dona Francisca de Braganca * Princessa de Joinville * Rio Grande do Sul * Rio Grande do Norte * Dona Isabel de Bragan…

  • Best melody: Pasodobles (spanish traditional music) Best lyrics: "La muerte no es el final" and "Los Tercios hymn" (himno de Los Tercios). Let's see if our friend @6thDragon knows some info about Los Tercios. If u don't I invite u to learn some Spanish History. I'm sure it'll be preaty interesting. Advertising: Los Tercios has many different meanings. One of them is a bottle of 33cl of beer. BEER IS NOT A MILITAR SPANISH TECHNIQUE

  • Bytro is killing cows. But not any cow. Bytro is killing OUR CoW (Call of War) He has been destroying this awesome game for years. Actualization to actualization, change to change, Bytro has transformed our precious game into a money machine without roll, diplomacy and good players. It's time to say NO to all this new versions that have already destroyed Call of War. From little changes to 1.5 and 2.0 versions. Do you want any money, Bytro? Then give us a game where giving money is not a waste, …

  • I think it'll be OK if CoW includes an option to change a little your country's name. For example if you are Canada and you conquer 20 provinces you can change your name to Canadian Empire. Or maybe just change from the Republic of Mexico to the Kingdom or the Estate of Mexico, depending on your tipe of Governor. This is just esthetic and I know there are very important problems to be solved, but just a thought. (Hope see soon Spanish empire and not just Spain, jeje )

  • Quote from Average_Luz: “Para España necesitas: -Aliarse con Alemania e Italia si es posible -Lanzar la invasión de Francia si es posible y apoderarse de los puertos de Marsella para formar una buena armada -Usar infantería motorizada, ya que regularmente tiene mucho daño y velocidad -Lanzar una invasión de Portugal y sus colonias. -Vuélvase conservador si Francia está aliada con EE. UU. y el Reino Unido, se centraría en construir si es un jugador hábil en economía. De lo contrario, eso es todo …

  • Bytro is a German company. They aren't gonna do anything. Queen Elisabeth didn't had that influence area. She wasn't loved here in Spain, she was more like an immortal meme so I think maybe in Germany she had the same status. Viva el Rey.

  • Call of War 2.0 - Part One

    AdolfoBenitoPaquito - - News


    Quote from pod_than: “Quote from DEO17: “Bonjour, Depuis la mise à jour d'amélioration graphique, le classement journalier des nations ne s'affiche pas tout le temps. Pourriez vous le mettre à jour s'il vous plaît. Un grand merci d'avance. Général MOUSTACHOV/ pour DEO17 ” Is it French?It's very multicultural. ” Yep, for example I'm spanish. Viva el Rey.