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  • Iam self also for a little nerv... but I have no Idea which could be good..(hp or damage vs planes were suggested and I know nothing against one of this or both a real little bit... but both would be harder to balance (iam self a little bit more for the dmg. vs planes nerv becouase in the discription its said that they are extrem weak vs planes....).... not too big nerfs....... it's clear that they aren't good vs interceptors... but it's said that they are EXTREM weak... and I dont see that comp…

  • with other words you think allied doctrine is too weak or what you wanna say?

  • Cow Unit Ranker

    Blauer Drache - - Manual


    for me it seems its ignoring a bit that the stack limit for damage vs a single type is at 10 best units from the stack(I know its not exactly like it...but its good eghough to say)..... so for big stacks its pretty bad....I think its also a reason why Militia is here sooo extrem strong at least for defending.... the maximum damage which an only militia stack could be is lower as the maximum damage from anarmored cars stack..... jeah sure till 10 units militia is much cheaper for each point damag…

  • the voting is not really neutral.... dont make a own conclusion before a voting otherwise you get just mostly what you want to be voted....... thats what I think.... but maybe you dont what a neutral voting anyway .... so sry if it is so xd

  • Stealth

    Blauer Drache - - Questions and Answers


    I dont know what ghost conquering means for you but...:if there is no scout unit from you or a player from which you have view near... jeah they didn't see it comming...they will notice it by newspaper or just looking at the world map who stolen the province (and its impossible to steal provinces without makeing war..except with the revolts...) thats why its important to build at least 1 scout unit to a pretty high lvl so "hidden" units have it way harder...(and it can be pretty/extrem dangerous…

  • wanted to delete this post but iam still failing, sry (so iam still wrting here stuff: a weitghing option for the different ressources could be an Idea or that we could sort it by armor/unit type)

  • it says nothing what one has what in one game..... won allready games without building more as 17 units but its still not bad to have more as 17 new units....(I hope and think we agree on that) ....submarines are a pretty decent solo naval-ship unit if you have the axe doctrin... you can't have all units at high/max. lvl ......I self like more to have just submarines as axe so I have also high other stuff ( for me I have often interceptors and aa/spaa pretty high...idia behind that: planes are f…

  • Propaganda offices

    Blauer Drache - - General Discussions


    I think in the core urban cities they are worth it to have a pretty high can't always capture multiple having them is not only for getting higher ress/time also for higher unit production....problem which i see its often not really worth to capture non ressouce provinces because of the morale penalty. The problem is much bigger on the 22 player map (since the scaling is way differently) as for example on the antartika map.

  • Iam a noob and have no clue, but airports should be upgraded to lvl 3... than its way harder to do stuff against airports....dont know why people let air airports on lvl 1..... and btw. isn't destoying airfields the main stuff of rockets? or when is it extrem good to use rockets if not for getting airports down and so their planes?...but like I said iam a extrem noob and have no clue about this stuff (mostly becouase iam in games in which are mostly beginners). But probably I misunderstood the s…

  • at the same time or one after one? thats 2 way different results....but its nearly always better to stack up to at least 10 units for a fight (after that its way more it depends)..... bigger stack later dying units.....more dmg.... also on first hit you make 100% dmg. becouase they have full hp...for me its pretty clear that for FIGHTS stacking to 10 units at least is pretty nice.... for many other stuff its crap.... (for example for getting fast unprotected land or against revolts...)...

  • I used an option like this to make sure I wont attack an enemy AI- stack with range units...wanted my attack to go on a real player who was attacking that AI. Otherwise I would have had cooldown with my attack...(if the AI stack is an Artillerie one it could make sense).

  • if the spectating is a month older as the game is than its ok think I, but not if the gameinformations are pretty fresh and I dont see why they shouldn't be a month old. the game doesn't change every week to a complete different game....

  • Naja gegen Panzerabwehr (und Jagdtpanzer) ist halt die mot. Infantrie nach meiner Meinung viel besser (der Unterschied des schadens die die panzerabwehre und jagdtpamnzer zwischen ungepanzert und leicht gepanzert machen sind schon sehr groß) und passt somit sehr gut zum Gesamtkonzept..(gibt halt kaum was was so einen offensivwert gegen infantrie hat... und im großen stack spielen halt viele werte keine Rolle, aber der beste wert gegen eine Rüstungsklasse oft im angriff schon).... aber klar eure …

  • They are both attacking and defending... at the same time... .... a moving unit is attacking ..... if both moves both are attacking and defending ... if one does not move but the other one moves than the not moving is just defending, except the owner of the defending unit changed that to attacking with for exambple a move order or attackorder in the fighting time...than it would be attcking and defending....