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  • Weather

    RookOnzo - - Suggestions / Criticism



  • Warlord

    RookOnzo - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Here is an idea for a new game type for all you gold users. Imagine a game where there is an entry fee to enter. No limits. Everything is on the market including manpower. Warlord members are those who pay the entry fee. Everyone else who joins up sits in a que. Warlords can can pay gold to these players in que to recruit them. Create supply drops similar to hunger games that the warlords can bid on. These can range from things like a nukes, Tank battalion, or simply supply drops. Warlords can b…

  • What would you do?

    RookOnzo - - General Discussions


    1: Build a community map builder. 2: Build player admin adjustable scenario types for RP players. 3: Build an actual friends list that allows you to talk and join each others games. This game should be built around teams and communities. 4: Create tournaments for fun. 5: I would remove the EA from Bytro. They have turned evil for gold. If you make your game fun and open it up for users to make content we would be happy to pay for stuff. Let the poors use build ques. 6:Design a map built for nava…

  • BYTRO should use Eve online as a lose example of an economy that fluctuates fully on player control. Make it more free market. Make it possible for people to corner the market. Add a buy all required button. This will auto purchase any resource that you are missing. Personally I would put manpower on the market. Let us win because of our minds. Let us fight for it. Mercenaries for hire are a thing Im sure Wagner group can be ordered on the dark web if you have the scratch for it.

  • On the Usage of Gold

    RookOnzo - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I am a pissed off father. I have purchased memberships and even gold a few times. This is why im mad: 1: Taking que away from someone just because they don't have a membership is BS. We know what you are forcing but money is tight every were. Sorry im not going to pay a membership that willingly punishes its active players by taking away ease of use tools simply because you want memberships. 2:Make it easier to spot gold users so people can team up and overcome them. Having purchasable skins may…

  • BYTRO should use Eve online as a lose example of an economy that fluctuates fully on player control. Make it more free market. Make it possible for people to corner the market. Add a buy all required button. This will auto purchase any resource that you are missing. Personally I would put manpower on the market. Let us win because of our minds. Let us fight for it.

  • Please describe some of your best rollplay's you have had with the standard normal players. The most fun for me was rolling as Mexico. Ruled by Naco Cheesy Gordita Crunch. I even bribed nations against a common enemy by granting them 3 holy tacos (3 food) as bribery. Team America rollplay is always fun to depending on the map. I love when there is shit talking in the newspaper. Makes it more fun for everyone. Please share your funny stories. If you don't have any go make some

  • Naval Warfare

    RookOnzo - - General Discussions


    Can we please have a island map designed for naval warfare? I would love to have a map placed in Indonesian islands. Have everyone start with 6 cruisers and 2 destroyers. Ideally there would enough ships for the players to start fighting but not enough to wipe out island populations. Give all players plenty of starting resources to start training other ship types. Island hopping warfare might be interesting. Let me know your thoughts.

  • Python: 1 are you implying my other ideas are garbage 2 are you an Eve player? o7

  • When you are building units sometimes you run short on resources. When this happens you have two options. Use gold or go to the market and purchase what you need. Can we please have a button so purchase what items are needed? You could show the total price of the resources needed. Press this button it would start construction and purchase whats needed. This would save users a lot of time. It would also make it so you don't need to remember how many units are needed exactly.

  • Quote from _Pyth0n_: “Quote from RookOnzo: “On the game maker end you would have to create a unit page that pops up. Really design it to tickle the OCD customization possibly even skins so users can identify the changes so you know where to send your units. On a game side of this the RNG would change slightly. Players could play the game just as they are now but those who are detail oriented and like tinkering with load outs could have a benefit for their time. ” So basically, you want to remove…

  • I asked myself what makes you care about your units? What makes you send them into battle without paying any attention? Right now units are simply a number moving across the screen. These units hold a base stat when the system hits the RNG. Soul less heartless and disconnected. My idea is to add unit customization. Just like you choosing to add hit points to your units you could click something that breaks down the unit details. From here you should be able to granular change items about your un…

  • Nuking on Water

    RookOnzo - - Questions and Answers


    Quote from noblebright: “Yes. Thats why nukes do damage to ships and subs on the info tab. Stupid question to ask. ” Noble eat a Snickers.

  • Can you sign me up for Italy?

  • I died. Communism must be stopped. Have fun guys.

  • LEts GOooooooooo

  • This has been the most dramatic game start ever. I only hope the RP is just as exciting. There have been spies false flags all kinds of stuff. I hope the people doing the work dont get worn out. It will all be worth it. Live and learn. RP takes effort to get going. Its a blast when everything comes together. Looking forward to starting soon.

  • RP user customization

    RookOnzo - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Please work a little with the RP folks devs. RP guys use this post to let them know how to make your lives easier. Off the top of my head: *Admin users could preset any unit type to any location. This would allow for realistic historical combat. Users could also be free to make the fun loony stuff to happen. * Make RP stuff free without Gold needed or at least make it optional for admins. Serious games could still require it to narrow down the riff raft. * Speaking of trolls for the love of all …

  • Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “I just got a great idea - if USSR doesn't cooperate, we can RP something like the Crusades, where countries around the world send troops to fight them. Maybe we could somehow play out a scenario where various nations have "colonies" in Russia. ” Cool idea. We could have a UN action to overthrow a madman. Play it out. Its even more exciting not knowing what the result would be. If this were to happen historically i thing Germany would have had an incredible advant…

  • Im active and want my spot. It took me a while to join away from the PC. Apparently I cant see conversations from my mobile. All good now though. I am in and logged in.