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  • Submarine Detection

    RoKMC - - Questions and Answers


    If I have a higher level submarine and it passes through another player's fleet that I'm at peace with, will it be detected when they are in the same location even if they don't have a sufficiently high level scout?

  • I am not complaining about the current regeneration mechanics. I just think it would make sense if your units could also recover health in the land of one of your coalition members. Maybe even at a reduced rate. It would give coalition allies additional meaning, and be a little more allowing for things like sending troops to help a coalition member.

  • Looking for an alliance

    RoKMC - - Recruitment Centre


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “Welcome in! The game has changed. I remember when I came after my own break in 2018 how strange 1.5 alone was. If you need to know anything, this is the place. ” Thanks! Yeah I nearly screwed myself over by playing according to the old SBDE rules! Are there any alliances you would recommend? Or will I just need to see how things work out?

  • Looking for an alliance

    RoKMC - - Recruitment Centre


    I've been playing on and off since 2015, but took a long break from 2018. I'm playing a "re-learning the game" game right now, but what I would really like is for a community to play with, learn from, and maybe even participate in tournaments with. If you're open to relatively inexperienced players, please reach out!

  • Manpower Tech Tree

    RoKMC - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Something that could possibly be added to the tech tree is a "Mobilization Tree" that affects your supply of manpower. All nations would start at the baseline "Volunteer Army". 1. Volunteer army. 2. Limited draft 3. All able-bodied males draft 4. All males draft 5. Full population draft Each level would increase your supply of manpower.

  • Quote from Restrisiko: “If you are in war with the others, but you only attack the one enemy directly then you get only defense from him. ” That's what I needed to know. Thanks.

  • If I have a stack of bombers and I bomb an enemy stack in the city of an enemy province, but that province also has a couple of allied stacks in the same location, will my bomber take damage from all the stacks or just the stack it bombs?

  • Flying Wing

    RoKMC - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Historically the historical Ho 229 (which is the flying wing you are probably referring to) was designed as a long-ranged high-speed fighter/bomber. It's primary mission was to strike ground targets, but it held a secondary fighter role as it was a capable aircraft. In game I think it should it should be a bomber that is weaker than a TB in ground attack, and weaker than interceptors in air-to-air. However, it would be very fast and it would have LO characteristics. It is a myth that the Ho 229 …

  • So I'm not experienced at this game at all, but a theoretical early game stack composition occurred to me and I wanted to see what ya'll on the forums thought. So currently I've been using infantry + LTs on the ground. AT joins the mix as they become researched and resources allow. However what if a Infantry + AC + AT combination was used on the ground? The logic behind this composition is that (1. The AT counters enemy tanks (2. The ACs counter enemy infantry (3. The infantry counters enemy AT.…

  • Spy

    RoKMC - - Questions and Answers


    IF everyone did use in-game messaging exclusively though I find that it'd be such an interesting and fun mechanic to have to deal with intelligence and possible codes and code-breaking as a purely organic result of the system.

  • Controlled Airspace

    RoKMC - - News


    The V-2 was definitely a strategic weapon. It's role should be to target enemy infrastructure, IC, and possibly have a strong morale effect on your enemy's provinces.

  • Disembarking troops

    RoKMC - - Questions and Answers


    I just wanted to know if CoW is similar to S1914 in that troops can be absolutely decimated if attacked while disembarking.

  • Hello! I am a new player to Call of War. I've only played a few games a couple years back. I am a former Supremacy1914 player and a veteran of alliance-based gameplay in multiple MMOs. I am very active and I've recently decided to come back to CoW. If you're looking for a recruit to train up in your alliance, I am willing to learn and have fun!