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  • I don't play COW as competitively or actively as you guys do, and mostly on smaller less active maps. That said, I used to play 100 player maps a bit so I do have some experience playing over 10 hours a day on one map. My experience with militia is different from both of yours. I never found early game militia to be a thing because you are most likely to be next to someone who doesn't know what they are doing than a lifeless COW pro like yourself. I also never got to the end game, mostly because…

  • Road defenses

    Chickenus - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Naval mines and submarine nets are tethered and well mapped. Submarines take the role as naval mines pretty well. I think when you build a fort, its effects should be throughout the province and not just at the capital.


    Chickenus - - Bug Reports and Issues


    The units are visible in enhanced, however I simply cannot play the game with those graphics, those colours hurt my eyes.


    Chickenus - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Cleared the cache and restarted the browser, no luck


    Chickenus - - Bug Reports and Issues


    These two examples were not so bad as they only disappeared when zoomed in fully. I believe the first example was invisible for multiple levels of zoom. I have yet to see this happen to my own troops. It happens within both levels of sight range. I guess I should add I can still click on and view the unit, and when I do so its sprite is visible


    Chickenus - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Quote from Ryan04px2025: “I don't see the 7 ” It is inside the 'k' Petrozavodsk'. This is all the warning I get that such an army exists. Quote from VorlonFCW: “How often does this happen for you? ” Every game, every time. Would you like more examples?

  • Quote from killingone: “what you can try to do to increase visibility is to turn off the province names then when you want to spot for enemy units turn off advanced graphics for a while as normal graphics make spotting enemy units more easier. ” Yeah, check out my recent thread on invisible armies in normal graphics if you think spotting armies there is easier. I find advanced graphics hurt my eyes, I don't know how you follow anything with that setting on.


    Chickenus - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Hello, I have noticed this problem since my recent return to COW, but only recently had enough problems to report it. The problem is that sometimes the markers for armies simply do not exist. The game from these photos is 3013275. I am having problems uploading the image showing the invisible army uncovered, but you can see the '7' in 'Petrozavodsk' of this force. The number is too small to notice and I nearly sent my tanks to die because I couldn't…

  • Market Overhaul

    Chickenus - - News


    Lend lease??? Also in my current game, playing as Poland. I need resources from the allies, which they are willing to give, but their alliance is full. Already this insulting update is crashing my parade. Also in rps there is a tech tree, if we want to buy tanks or planes, being able to buy them from allies is very nice. But I can understand why you did it bytro your stand against basically simulated slavery is admirable. What a complete joke, by the end of this year all the freedom COW has over…

  • Market Overhaul

    Chickenus - - News


    Even ignoring how much this neuters competitive games, this is a massive insult to role players. This practically removes all diplomacy from the game. I don't understand why bytro doesn't make these settings one can select when creating games, but I think we lost the ability to make games a while ago. I don't know how I'll roleplay now. And I don't know how I will play with friends without being able to give them troops in times of need.

  • New Event - All Countries: All In

    Chickenus - - News


    Some 'feed back'

  • New Event - All Countries: All In

    Chickenus - - News


    For some reason the capital of Estonia is worth no points. also getting the same insane resource reading across all three games I am in for Panama and Yemen I have submitted report for the Yemen thing, also forum post ---> Broken Resources for Yemen

  • Tried this, nothing changed. I am interested in how this might happen, and how other players would have the same bug. This is not just one territory, but many territories across the map.

  • ID=2623719 As you can see in the photos below, Yemen is getting a pretty nice amount of resources. I have refreshed the page and confirmed with other players that they also see this.

  • -Hope you don't mind me posting this hear, just trying to get some publicty and spark some interest. New World Empires has some interesting mechanics should allow for a great RP, such as the ability to to upgrade territory to core status.- Hello Folks, I have just created a land swap map for a starting period of about 1500AD. This was created from a composite of many maps found online. Historical accuracy was very important in the making of this, however making sure this was playable and balance…

  • Hitler declared war on poland, starting wwii, for the sole purpose of deafeating russia. Everything Hitler did was for the sole purpose of deafeating russia. There is no possible history where Hitler would not attack Russia.

  • dead?

  • who would be better at CoW?

    Chickenus - - Off Topic


    No one could beat Hitler with all the Gold he stole

  • "Elite" militia?

    Chickenus - - Suggestions / Criticism


    >I don't see anyone disagreeing, and why would you bring up such an old post that you don't support? Then why do you keep replying?

  • Is it just for that specific spot or is this a bug I can exploit see elsewhere and in other maps?