I am just creating this for anyone with ideas for the game. I am just a member but I was wondering if a new little thread was made, if more ideas would come in.

  • My first idea is maybe

    Mini submarines

    they are historically accurate as the were used in ww2 and this era.

    Also, the advantages of them:
    1. cheaper to produce
    2. easily distinguished from regular subs
    3. faster to make

    however there are a few disadvantages to my idea:
    1. Not as effective for attacks
    2. less overall health

    so tell me what you guys think?

    good idea or bad idea?
  • The two instances of mini sub use in WWII that I remember were not effective.
    • At Pearl Harbor none of the mini subs were able to implement their mission. They either succumbed to mechanical failure, were sunk or were scuttled.
    • The British also tried mini subs to sink the Bismark while in a Norwegian fjord. From what I remember one sub made it through but all the others were lost.
    In the case of the Japanese a larger mother vessel (sub) was required to deliver the subs to target, while I do not remember the details of the British experiment. In the grand scheme of things, mini subs are not really a force in WWII. They are more of a novelty for a special circumstance.
    "A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week." - General George S. Patton, Jr.

    "Do, or do not. There is no try" - Yoda
  • Thank you for your reply. You are correct!

    However my thinking on the idea of a miniature submarine in call of war was:

    1. starting up in a game where people have already dug in if you will, you could have a cheap, semi- effective way to defend your provinces that can be accessed by sea
    2. It would be a pretty cool addition in my opinion

    I really appreciate your response, I see and agree with you. This was just an idea I had come up with .
  • OK my idea for improvement to the game would be to beef up the basic AI that plays the neutrals and the dropped players. In two games thus far I see them build great infrastructure and some infantry. However, I have yet to find a plane, sub or armored vehicle that did not exist at the start.

    My suggestion is to balance the AI builds between infrastructure and units, perhaps based on # of units, by category, compared to neighboring countries. If = build infrastructure, if neighbor larger but less than X2 emphasize both, if neighbor units greater than x2 emphasize unit builds. Run this comparison on each of the primary categories Infantry, Armor, Air and Navel. This would at least make the games with large abandonment of players more challenging for those that stay.

    I am happy to see the AI at least counter attacks. All you have to do is wack it with a dose of artillery and it charges your position. If you hit him with TACs he just sits there until destroyed. The unit should at least run for the nearest AA battery or better cover.
    "A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week." - General George S. Patton, Jr.

    "Do, or do not. There is no try" - Yoda
  • Merchant navy

    Because the control of the ocean does not have the importance due, it would be a good idea if the trades (purchases in the markets or exchanges by chat) that are made with other countries (be it players or AI) would leave in a merchant navy, Control of the ocean or sea is claimed, as these ships could sink. If later on you could even give the option to produce those ships for the transport would be better because it improves the economic aspect of the game and even the option that to embark the troops you have to own boats for them (like the same boats Of war with a more limited capacity and the merchants navy with greater capacity to transport the troops)

    In the spanish forum talks more about this idea

    Convoy de suministros

    The post was edited 1 time, last by gilbertjesus ().

  • OHhhh!!! I know!!

    We could add rednecks on bass boats with home made napalm, dynamite, and shotguns loaded with rocksalt and nails!
    And elite rednecks on house boat pigeon carriers! The pigeons would be loaded with explosive Alka-Seltzer and dive bomb/poop the enemy from the swamps!

    Daggum it Bubba! I kin come up wid all kinds of gooderest ideas!

    Camo duct tape to level up the bass boats, CB radio communications, and a secret "Yehaw" based coding system!

    And if those mighty fine suggestions do not quite meet the requirements, I hereby propose Transport aircraft. I know paratroopers are being considered, and that would be a great addition. I also know that the C130 Hercules did not exist until after WW2 was over, but there were aircraft for transporting cargo and troops. Perhaps not large enough or capable of dropping several M1Abrams tanks or Humvees (which also didn't exist yet), but at least large enough to transport infantry, mobile infantry, and even a few APCs.

    Perhaps at least later in the game?
  • Baddog412 wrote:

    Another idea I just came up with, Sniper!

    Used mainly for defensive purposes, have low health, and are not shown to attackers
    As effective as snipers have been, they are primarily support units and target specific units.

    You wont see an entire sniper regiment going in to take a city or hit tanks.

    I know..... Carlos Hatchock and his spotter did hold off a few hundred enemy in Vietnam, and Chris Kyle was another who effected hundreds and changed the way the battles were fought. But you are taking about one or two men, in an entire battalion, or division, in a game that is based on battalions, regiments and divisions and not set up for individual one/two man teams..

    I mean yeah..... It would be stinkin awesome.... But I just don't know how it could work with game mechanics like this one has.
  • Peter Mat wrote:

    If you hit him with TACs he just sits there until destroyed.
    That's not accurate. I've been playing this for 2yrs and one of my main units of choice is Tac Bombers. I've seen hundreds of units counter attack when hit by them, and hit by fighters also.

    They, for the most part attack in the direction of the attack but sometimes not(confusion/shell shock I guess..lol).

    I'm not saying some don't counter attack, but a lot do. In my experience, INF, AA and AT's are most likely to counter attack when attacked by Tac Bombers. Other do, but not with the frequency of the above.

  • I love that we have a good discussion going now! As far as specific troops like kamikazes for Japan and SS for Germany, I think that would be a great idea. However, not every nation had special troops like that. But still a good idea. As far as the tactical bomber arguement goes. Tactical bombers are an amazing air unit. However 1. you must know how to use them. As far as the issue with them, They are vulnerable. If the defending nation sends fighters as a counter, you could be in trouble really quickly. Great ideas and discussions!
  • Baddog412 wrote:

    I love that we have a good discussion going now! As far as specific troops like kamikazes for Japan and SS for Germany, I think that would be a great idea. However, not every nation had special troops like that. But still a good idea. As far as the tactical bomber arguement goes. Tactical bombers are an amazing air unit. However 1. you must know how to use them. As far as the issue with them, They are vulnerable. If the defending nation sends fighters as a counter, you could be in trouble really quickly. Great ideas and discussions!
    every nation has a specific unit XD some in the game are parts of a bigger country
  • yamakoki wrote:

    Baddog412 wrote:

    I love that we have a good discussion going now! As far as specific troops like kamikazes for Japan and SS for Germany, I think that would be a great idea. However, not every nation had special troops like that. But still a good idea. As far as the tactical bomber arguement goes. Tactical bombers are an amazing air unit. However 1. you must know how to use them. As far as the issue with them, They are vulnerable. If the defending nation sends fighters as a counter, you could be in trouble really quickly. Great ideas and discussions!
    every nation has a specific unit XD some in the game are parts of a bigger country
    Yep! SEE! and there is my argument for redneck units! I mean, come on, "Southern States of America" is just BEGGING for it!

    I know.... I know... rednecks come from all nations, races, and cultures, but what better setting for nation specific "specialist units" than some deer huntin, pickup truck drivin, Possum gizzard eatin rednecks to come storming out of good ol "Murica"!?

    That's it! It is settled. Developers and programmers, we MUST have Rednecks Jack!
    You tell the owner of the gaming company that I said so! .....tell em I'll give em a bag of good ol deer jerky too if they do it.

    I have spoken.

    You all may carry on with your lives now. :tumbleweed: