Fortnite? Good, bad, or meh?

    • Fortnite? Good, bad, or meh?

      Was kind of excited about this game, but after reading the critical and player reception of it thus far, it seems lukewarm at best.
      more: mỹ đình plaza 2
      By all accounts, it appears to be a very well made game from a technical standpoint, but I was unaware they were making it to be a grindy, free-to-play, micro-transaction fest in the future. That is...disappointing. I'd rather just drop 60 dollars on it, play it for a while, then pay for some half-assed DLC like I've grown accustomed to than play some lame free game and be bled slowly for dollars at a time like I was with Firefall (grrr).
      more: eco dream nguyen xien
      Has anyone tried it out yet? What's the consensus? Are people overreacting negatively?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by doomsmith ().