Registration for the Dirty Dozen - Round Three

    • Registration for the Dirty Dozen - Round Three

      Welcome to "The Dirty Dozen" of the international CoW Team league

      This league is a series of games launched by CoW Support. Every month start a new game, four months lasts one season. The common thread in the league is the ban on the use of gold. This ban is monitored by the support and punished by the game play.

      Furthermore, the games in "The Dirty Dozen" differ from normal rounds in CoW due to an extended set of rules

      Here is the rule: Rules

      These rules are needed to get a regulated and friendly interaction with the other players. Because the struggles in the league are often very bitter and led with great severity.

      As you play in the league, you should be aware that you are playing with players who will seek out and exploit every void in your strategy. A lack of agreement among neighbors and others in the same team, is quickly exploited. The lack of support for a threatened team partner who asks for help is fatal and often leads to their own demise.

      Basic rules:
      • The use of gold is not permitted in league games. (supervised!)
      • The games of the league are played anonymously. (5K Gold need to enter the game or HC)
      • The players should play fair, the newspaper is subject to certain restrictions.
      • All rules and the game management can be found in our rules

      1. Registration until all 60 seats have been taken or until 31.3. 18:00 UTC.
      2. A conversation will be created in the forum announcing the game ID and password.
      3. Players gradually enter the map and are randomly distributed to the nations.
      4. Game start, the third game of the series starts on first of April at 18:00 UTC.
      5. Registered players who do not appear on the map within the first 24 hours after the start of the game will be replaced by reserve players!

      Would you like to play with your friends in a game where gold is banned?

      Watch for the next season starts in September!
    • I will sign up for the April game of the Dirty Dozen 29
        for Squad "Alpha" [max. 4 Players] (4) 14%
        for Squad "Bravo" [max. 4 Players] (2) 7%
        for Squad "Charlie" [max. 4 Players] (0) 0%
        for Squad "Delta" [max. 4 Players] (1) 3%
        for Squad "Echo" [max. 4 Players] (4) 14%
        for Squad "Foxtrot" [max. 4 Players] (1) 3%
        for Squad "Golf" [max. 4 Players] (4) 14%
        for Squad "Hotel" [max. 4 Players] (2) 7%
        for Squad "India" [max. 4 Players] (0) 0%
        for Squad "Juliett" [max. 4 Players] (0) 0%
        for Squad "Kilo" [max. 4 Players] (4) 14%
        for Squad "Lima" [max. 4 Players] (0) 0%
        for Squad "Mike" [max. 4 Players] (3) 10%
        for Squad "November" [max. 4 Players] (3) 10%
        for Squad "Oscar" [max. 4 Players] (0) 0%
        sorry - I have no time for the next game. (1) 3%
      Please respect our rules, a violation or circumvention of the rules is like destroying the balance with Gold. The games of the Dirty Dozen should be played as sitting on the other side of your friends with you want to have fun and a good and fair fight!

      how to:
      If you like to play with us in the next round you need to choose one of the 15 Squads where one or more places left free. You can say to your friends/comrades that you are in this Squad. Players in one Squad will play together in the same team in the next round.
      Three Squads will build a Team for the next game, The Teams will be mixed randomly with each 3 Squads.

      All four players of a CoW-Alliance must be in one Squad, other player of their Alliance are not allowed to player in the Dirty Dozen in the same Round!

      The conversation with the game-ID and the password will be set up on 03/30/2019. I will only add new players to this conversation after checking his profile. To guarantee that we have not more than 4 players in the game from the same CoW-Alliance.

      Registration is open until the first of April is over - please leave a reply after vote for a Squad!

      Would you like to play with your friends in a game where gold is banned?

      Watch for the next season starts in September!

      The post was edited 11 times, last by Xarus ().

    • With a few days left to go, way too few applications. Should we revert back to two teams only?
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • If we get not enough players we will take the North-America-Map and multiply the VP with two at the end.

      Number of players should be between 6-10 players per team.

      Would you like to play with your friends in a game where gold is banned?

      Watch for the next season starts in September!
    • I cant find the ID of the game and the Passwort.

      I got each moth the same problem, and I am sorry for writing this message but I tried all I could do.

      I looked in forum and in conversations but I did not see the game ID and the passwort for the game.

      In march in the news stand, that the game is open, but I dont come in, because no id an passowrt.


    • Game isn't open yet, will be in 8-10 hours.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.