fastest win contest

    • This is not me, but there was this one time when supposedly one of my former alliance mates Enuristan (I don't really know if he still plays now) won a 100p map in 22 days (forgot if it was a coalition or solo win, but he definitely was the highest VP by far in the map from the screenshots).
      "As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable." Albert Einstein

      "Giving up is not an option in war, for it proves one's incapability and incompetence as a leader." - Me (Little Racoon)
    • I had coalition win in 15 days on 100 players map. It was 3 years ago. On day one I was attacked by Finland, and I was leading Sweden. He had enormous casualties and then he sent a group of light tanks on me. In that time research tree was different also time to build infrastructure. So when I saw that he is using a lot of gold, I offered a peace and cooperation. He made coalition and I went left and he went to the right. When I was in problem I gave him a province and he made factories, infrastructure, airports, and enough troops to kill all around. We took 80% of provinces and made coalition win.
      "Then, when you run out of ammunition and the enemy continues to advance - to the bayonet, when they break your knife - to your hands, when they break both of your hands - to your teeth, when you get the last tooth knocked out, as long as you move, as long you are there - attack! When they mortally wound you, see to it that you fall in their way, so they have to go around you, jump over you or move you - bother them even in death!" speech of lieutenant Tasic before battle of Cer 1914.

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