How many active games

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    • The number of games a player depends on their War Gaming ability and experience. While i can do 6 games simultaneosly, not all have the 40 yrs of War Gaming i have under my belt. I have played every genre out there since the early days of War Game Simulations when the pencil and paper simulations were played at Texas A&M in the mid 70s. Also the number of games a War Gamer is able to handle is dependent on how good they are at multi-tasking and attention to detail.
      Another aspect that comes into play in playing several games at once is how good you are at prioritizing tasks and objectives in each game.
      First thing i look at is to see if any on my units have finished their battles or movements and assign new commands to these Idle Units.
      Second thing i look for is to look at my drag down province list in it's entirety by clicking on the province tab on the right side of the screen. I then scoll down and get first all heavy troops in production. I then scan and shut down any barracks and naval bases not producing troops to conserve food and fuel.
      Third i look at the news in its entirety on the map and then myself and allies news only to get a quick look at what happened since the last time i checked with my field commanders and allies.
      Fourth and last i decide which Diplomatic messages to respond to and what answers i should give them or if i need spies for further information from formidable enemies or recalcitrant allies. :tumbleweed:
      If it is possible; It is already done. If it's impossible it just takes a while longer. :tumbleweed:
    • Thanks for your kind remarks. *Bows*...I have also posted this in an independent thread; so that others can play at a higher level on more maps with my suggestions. It's titled: How to Play on Six or More Maps. Hope it helps all in the War Gaming community here to utilize their gaming time more effectively so they can have more Real life time with friends and family during the Holiday seasons. This will also hopefully increase the number of full maps with many more players that are able to stay active on the maps they play with these hopefully helpful game tips....*smiles mirthlessly*... :tumbleweed:
      If it is possible; It is already done. If it's impossible it just takes a while longer. :tumbleweed: