1vs1 at 100p world map

    • 1vs1 at 100p world map

      for example remain only 2 players after big battles at 100p map they have nearly same experiences , gold , resources and other things can you tell me which doctrine has no chance or very less chance to win game against other one ?
      or do you think really all doctrines has equal chance in this situation ?

      example answer : comintern has no chance against pan asian player at this situation and ıf it is possible a long explanation about first sentence :)
    • If there is 100% activity and equal skill Panasian has noone to lose to. In those circumstances Allies come second, comintern is last, and you can figure out what is left inbetween. This is all because of the speed of units and planes power+range+buffs.
    • laaaaaaaaga wrote:

      If there is 100% activity and equal skill Panasian has noone to lose to. In those circumstances Allies come second, comintern is last, and you can figure out what is left inbetween. This is all because of the speed of units and planes power+range+buffs.
      Between 2 skills players ? I think Panasian loses against all other doctrines.
      - The skilled players won't fight in terrain that's an advantage Panasia won't have
      - The map being so huge, there is a lot of strategic depth, so that advantage in speed is nullified.
      - Panasia is strong in units that are rare in end game : infantry, light tanks/armored cars. Exception : Interceptor.

      If there are a lot of water, then it may be different. Bonus in naval bombers, BB and carriers can help a lot, and I find speed more useful at sea than on land.
    • Chimere wrote:

      laaaaaaaaga wrote:

      If there is 100% activity and equal skill Panasian has noone to lose to. In those circumstances Allies come second, comintern is last, and you can figure out what is left inbetween. This is all because of the speed of units and planes power+range+buffs.
      Between 2 skills players ? I think Panasian loses against all other doctrines.- The skilled players won't fight in terrain that's an advantage Panasia won't have
      - The map being so huge, there is a lot of strategic depth, so that advantage in speed is nullified.
      - Panasia is strong in units that are rare in end game : infantry, light tanks/armored cars. Exception : Interceptor.

      If there are a lot of water, then it may be different. Bonus in naval bombers, BB and carriers can help a lot, and I find speed more useful at sea than on land.
      The speed allows panasia to either outrun and go around any enemy unit, and kite with arty any other enemy. Boost to interceptors ensures, that the air supperiority is always on panasian side. The size of the map makes it hard to cover all fronts, since for example in the euroasia you have ~20 provinces that you have to take care of if you dont want enemy units to speed besides your army and go straight for your backline industry. Speed is the best thing in my opinion, and the only competition it has is the range for example from allied bombers, which can be mitigated by spies/zerg rush
    • This is all purely theorical, so I could be wrong, but I don't believe that kitting is that efficient in end game, because :
      - there are a lot of fast units, which can catch back the kitter, and hold them in place long enough for the rest to come (of course as Japan you would detach the artillery, but then the other side also has artillery)
      - the larger the number of units, the less this kind of micromanagement is efficient,
      - by end game, they are all sorts of planes that can destroy "kitters", and airports everywhere.

      As for speed outrunning and going around enemy units, either you have a super stack in which case it goes as fast as its slowest unit, or you have smaller force, but your opponent can split and plug the hole, or quite simply use planes.

      Japanese planes have +15% against planes... and - 10HP, so overall, their advantage over other fighters is minimal, negative if you count the advantages of the other factions. Range is great though.

      So, well, I respectfully disagree.