Healing camps(Described)

    • Healing camps(Described)

      I wanted to give a simple model of how to build a hospital but it seems that because it wasn’t enought creative the comments werent the best…
      so I will complicate thinks to a certain extent
      I already tried to pressent a simpler idea but it wasnt welcomed, specially by a player named OneNutsSquirrel,
      I hope this article convinces him as well or at list, entretein

      the most general types of hospitals in the IIWW were:

      Convalescent Camps

      they were located relatively near the front and were an important part of the Hospital Center. They taked care of patients who were in a condicion almost perfect to return to duty but that still needed time to be in perfect conditions
      This camps were normally able to accomodate 1/5 of a normal hospitals capacity

      Convalencesnt Hospitals

      they took care of patients that were in a worser condition than the patients of the convalenscent camps but that could go back to duty by the time set by the Theater Surgeon (120 to 180 days), and who required little or no medical treatment other than observation and rehabilitation. The Hospital received its patients from the Evacuation Hospitals and Clearing Stations, and subsequently transferred them to a Replacement Center or returned them to an Evacuation Hospital. Normal capacity was 3,000 patients, but if necessary, installations could be expanded to accommodate 5,000 patients for a short period.

      Evacuation Hospitals

      were the medical units nearer to the front, they were the first ones helping out the injured ones and the ones facing the biggest danger when in cames to their own safety
      they were designed to be movil and they treated pacients in facilities for major medical and surgical treatment of casualties, received from Division, Corps, and Army Clearing Stations. Their task was to combine and concentrate the evacuees in such numbers and at such location that mass evacuation by common carrier could be undertaken economically. They also provided the opportunity and facilities for the beginning of a definitive treatment, the sorting of casualties, the return of those men soon fit for duty, and for extended evacuation of certain patients to General Hospitals at some distance to the rear. Patients were supposed to be retained in the hospital from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the rate of admission, necessity for movement, available bed-capacity, and the overall tactical situation. Evacuation Hospitals were of two types: 400-bed semi-mobile and 750-bed mobile.

      Field Hospitals

      were another type of medical installation. They were the last and largest divisional unit of the Medical Department in the chain of evacuation. Such Hospitals received casualties from the dressing station, and utilized all measures possible, under varying conditions, to best fit them for continued evacuation, usually to Evacuation Hospitals. Field Hospitals were usually located from 3 to 8 miles from the front line, depending upon such factors as the enemy range of fire, the roads, the fuel, the water, the presence of buildings, and the location of Evacuation Hospitals. Whenever possible, they were grouped in a village or at the confluence of roads from the sector served, for convenience both in the interchange of patients and for the ambulances. Distinctive features were their mobility and ability to operate three separate Hospital units (or Platoons), if necessary, at widely separated places. When operating separately, these Platoons each formed a complete small hospital.

      General hospitals

      they were the hospitals that were not specially made to do a speficif task, they treated non-life treatening injuries and helped in many ways , relieving other military hospitals stress and curing civil patients too


      I propose the idea of 5 kinds of hospitals with the same names as this ones and deleting the normal regeneration in troops with less than 75% of their total life, because I think it is unrealistic that troops from the brink of the death can regenerate more than troops in a good condition, as somebody commented in one of my other articles if somebody looses all of his limbs it is impossible to attach it again, this hospitals would be only for tank type troops , I would introduce thinks like “broken leg” or “smaller injuries” in the game that would give the troops the need to attend to hospitals ,
      Tanks could be repaired in a building named “spare parts factory” were non-footman troops could be cured, in a longer time we could even introduce sickness
      if you start the treatment of a unit, you wont be able to stop it and it will transform to an air convoy with a red cross on it, this unit is to times faster than a normal air convoy and will automatically move the troops inside to the nearest hospital, you can obviously manipulate its movement manually, but it will have an automatic programe that will try to always be far away from the front if it has already passed Evacuation Hospitals, if your country doesn't have all the hospitals it will change back to a normal units , you can also change it manually back to normal if you dont want a full treatment

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Improin ().

    • Evacuation hospitals:they are the first ones to receive patients, they can be build easily and dont have too much heat
      points, they are the first ones attending the injuries and they have 3 levels, they can heal a troop
      up to 20% of its original heat points, with every level they can attend 5 more units, with each level
      the speed of recovery dobles
      • 2 levels
      • 100% healing time per level
      • heals up the unit to 20% of its original live(first level only heals to the 10%)
      • +5 patients/level
      • can be built in the countryside(30min basic construction time)

      Field Hospitals :they are large hospitals that can cure troops to the 35% of their original life, Field Hospitals are
      ideal to be located quite far away from the front line, they can substitute Evacuation hospitals,
      they have more hit points and bigger capacity, but they are slower in comparison to the evacuation
      • 2 levels
      • 75% healing time per level
      • heals up the unit to 30% of its original live(first level heals to the 15%)
      • +20 patients/level
      • can be built in all the provinces(1h basic construction time)

      General hospital :they are hospitals that receive troops previously treated at a Evacuation/Field Hospital and can
      cure them to the 65% of its original live, they have a moderate size and a moderate construction
      time, as well as 3 levels
      • 3 levels
      • 50% healing time per level
      • heals up the unit to 65% of its original live(first level heals to the 45%)
      • +15 patients/level
      • can only be built in cities(5h basic construction time)

      Convalescent Camps :they receive the patients from the General hospital and cure them to be able to go back to duty
      • 5 levels
      • 100% healing time per level
      • heals up the unit to 100% of its original live(first level heals to the 80%)
      • can only be built in cities(5 basic construction time)

      Check up: a troop can't go directly to the Convalescent hospital even if he has more than enough hit points,
      he must do before a check up at a General hospital(only if he has 65% or more hit points)
      • check up cost: low
      • check up time:30min
      • check ups must be done at a General Hospital

      When a troop is been treated at an Evacuation center/Field Hospital or at a General Hospital, you can press a a Botton named "continued treatment" whiz which it will trow a line to the next province with a better hospital(If there isn't any better hospital in the province), you can change the course and even add new places with even better hospitals, they will instantly transform to an air convoy with a read cross:
      • speed 80km/h
      • 25 health point
      • can be added to other ground troops
      spare parts factory:repairs tanks but it doesn't heal its driver( I don't have a clear idea about this part)

      medical device factory:it produces medical resources to all kinds of hospitals, it has 5 levels
      • 5 levels
      • doubles the production time per level
      • can produce: first aids, gypsum, antibiotic, revision
      • has a lot of heath points

      Note:many may think that is worth more to have low level first aid hospitals and high level advanced hospitals, in reality
      this is not productive, because the first aid hospitals are the fastest
    • Please don't call this "official"... you're just floating ideas.

      If I was still a mod, damn...
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • I felt that a proper reply should address your ideas point for point.. and didn't want to rush it.

      While Destructo the Great's comment could be properly answered quickly...

      It was also these discussions that brought up the topic of how the healing should be implemented a far as game mechanics goes... Just because your original idea was thoroughly put through the ringer, it did generate conversations which DEV's got involved with in a positive way... That's not nothing... not many guys can say thy've achieved that. Most suggestions are left to dry out an wither without so much as anyone's comment on the.. You've been here a month and got the Dev's involved in your thread. Take your victories where you can find them and stop with the tantrums when everyone fails to bow to your great wisdom in unison and declare King of all things CoW for life.. and give you a nice shiny hat.

      Anyway... your post above...You have a lot of stuff to dissect there mate.... some looks interesting at first glance.

      I reserve my right to comment on your entire post... just want to do it justice.
      General Maximus Decimus Meridius - "Are you not entertained?"

      The post was edited 1 time, last by OneNutSquirrel ().

    • OneNutSquirrel wrote:

      I felt that a proper reply should address your ideas point for point.. and didn't want to rush it.

      While Destructo the Great's comment could be properly answered quickly...

      It was also these discussions that brought up the topic of how the healing should be implemented a far as game mechanics goes... Just because your original idea was thoroughly put through the ringer, it did generate conversations which DEV's got involved with in a positive way... That's not nothing... not many guys can say thy've achieved that. Most suggestions are left to dry out an wither without so much as anyone's comment on the.. You've been here a month and got the Dev's involved in your thread. Take your victories where you can find them and stop with the tantrums when everyone fails to bow to your great wisdom in unison and declare King of all things CoW for life.. and give you a nice shiny hat.

      Anyway... your post above...You have a lot of stuff to dissect there mate.... some looks interesting at first glance.

      I reserve my right to comment on your entire post... just want to do it justice.
      who are the Devs?
    • Please, no more unit healing. Get rid of that nonsense.

      Here's how it should work:
      If you want to add HP to a unit, take it to the factory of the appropriate type, and keep the unit in the city while the factory adds HP back to the unit. Meaning, replace, rearm, resuppy. At the same cost per HP as building a new unit. Done.
    • well, I still think that my idea is somehow more realistic with all due respect

      z00mz00m wrote:

      Please, no more unit healing. Get rid of that nonsense.

      Here's how it should work:
      If you want to add HP to a unit, take it to the factory of the appropriate type, and keep the unit in the city while the factory adds HP back to the unit. Meaning, replace, rearm, resuppy. At the same cost per HP as building a new unit. Done.
      your approach is just to simple, and unrealistic, have you ever heard of a barrack that gave formation to soldiers cure them to their fullest?, I dont think so
    • When a division loses half of its tanks, it needs new tanks from the factory.
      Or you can cannibalize existing units and combine them, in an emergency.
      Soldiers are replaced by new conscripts from home.
      When soldiers get out of the hospital, they might be sent back to the front, or sent home.
      They certainly don't magically "heal up" while deployed in the desert :D
    • z00mz00m wrote:

      They certainly don't magically "heal up" while deployed in the desert :D
      Actually, that's almost exactly how it worked. Deployed units would get a allotment of "Reinforcements" added to the existing unit whenever they became available.

      That's what they were called... "Reinforcement's" of EXISTING units.

      These newer and more inexperienced troops tended to have higher fatality rates than the seasoned troops who've already seen plenty of their fellow troops fall in combat and had more of a sense of preservation than fresh troops arriving at the front. To the point where the older soldiers didn't necessarily even want to get to know the newer guys for fear getting to close to them when they were just going to get themselves killed soon.

      You are right about the "Merging" units when their strength was depleted. That would be good option to have.
      General Maximus Decimus Meridius - "Are you not entertained?"
    • These reinforcements cost something. They don't just drop from the sky.

      And where do tanks and planes and ships and subs come from? Also from the sky?

      No, all of these men have to be trained, all of their equipment has to be built, and in this game the right place to do that is in a unit factory.

      It really is that simple.
    • Maybe you're too new to the game... in 1.0 there used to be upkeep based on the provinces you owned... you could potentially run out of fuel and oil, it's now been removed.

      By the same token, where does the healing of units by +/-15% of their damage come from, it's from the same place. Economies large enough for a country, can look after and maintain what they've acquired, and you pay unit upkeep every day as well. That's your costs for the reinforcements.

      Nothing is free.
      General Maximus Decimus Meridius - "Are you not entertained?"