Confederate Flag: Is It Allowed?

    • Confederate Flag: Is It Allowed?

      So I'm in an America Homefront game as West Ontario and the person playing Virginia created a coalition called "Southern Slave Nation" complete with a Confederate flag and racist slurs in the coalition desc. The player even changed his state flag to the "Stars 'n Bars" flag, and he has posted several articles in the newspaper promoting the coalition and using racist insults directed at blacks. So far two other countries (South Carolina and Alabama) ahve joined the aforementioned coalition, but neither of them are made any racist comments (so far). I wanna know how many rules this guy is breaking; are the racist messages enough to report, or is the Confederate flag banned as well?
    • His racist messages should be reported but any flag is allowed.

      The Fed's flag is in no way banned, as it was a flag that a break-off nation made, the South did not make the flag to support slavery it was based off their land.
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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Fox-Company ().

    • Erezuma wrote:

      So I'm in an America Homefront game as West Ontario and the person playing Virginia created a coalition called "Southern Slave Nation" complete with a Confederate flag and racist slurs in the coalition desc. The player even changed his state flag to the "Stars 'n Bars" flag, and he has posted several articles in the newspaper promoting the coalition and using racist insults directed at blacks. So far two other countries (South Carolina and Alabama) ahve joined the aforementioned coalition, but neither of them are made any racist comments (so far). I wanna know how many rules this guy is breaking; are the racist messages enough to report, or is the Confederate flag banned as well?
      report racist messages
      :00010164: :00008172: :00002178: :00002047: :00000156: :00010180: :00010317:
    • It'd be nice if bytro just banned the confederate flag like they've done with the Nazi flag but I understand not wanting to get into evaluating every flag. Easier to just draw a line after Nazi, especially as a German company. The explicit racism is ridiculous though, and they should be permanently banned for that.
    • jubjub bird wrote:

      It'd be nice if bytro just banned the confederate flag like they've done with the Nazi flag but I understand not wanting to get into evaluating every flag. Easier to just draw a line after Nazi, especially as a German company. The explicit racism is ridiculous though, and they should be permanently banned for that.
      There's a reason they don't use it for the Southern US. But yeah, I will file a ticket for the racist messages.
    • It is a matter of fashion in political revisionism... up to a few years ago, it was prominently used in Nascar racing iirc, until it became an issue quite recently, suddenly it was a hype to remove it and now it is gone. Same with the names of Southern generals in the civil war. Who knows, it may be back there in another 10 years. The predecessor of the Sherman tank (a Northern general) was called the Lee (a Southern general); quite unthinkable in our day but perfectly acceptable back then.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • The newspapers in the game are not really reviewed by moderators like the chat or forums.

      A few games ago, I had two players using the Nazi flag in a game. I knocked one out quickly and reported the other. Nothing ever happened to the player. They continued to use the Nazi flag and won the game. Sure it's against the rules, but if support tickets are not reviewed in a timely manner, Bytro effectively has no process in place to enforce it's own rules. Simple as that.

      I understand Bytro's policy banning Nazi stuff are because it's a German company. Otherwise, the Confederate "Stars and Bars" mean different things to different people and I wouldn't expect Bytro to take a stand.

      Fox-Company wrote:

      His racist messages should be reported but any flag is allowed.

      The Fed's flag is in no way banned, as it was a flag that a break-off nation made, the South did not make the flag to support slavery it was based off their land.
      You've clearly never read any of the Southern States secession declarations. They virtually all explicitly stated the racial inferiority of those of African descent and used this to justify their secession in order to ensure their racial hierarchy at the time.
    • 6thDragon wrote:

      The newspapers in the game are not really reviewed by moderators like the chat or forums.

      A few games ago, I had two players using the Nazi flag in a game. I knocked one out quickly and reported the other. Nothing ever happened to the player. They continued to use the Nazi flag and won the game. Sure it's against the rules, but if support tickets are not reviewed in a timely manner, Bytro effectively has no process in place to enforce it's own rules. Simple as that.

      I understand Bytro's policy banning Nazi stuff are because it's a German company. Otherwise, the Confederate "Stars and Bars" mean different things to different people and I wouldn't expect Bytro to take a stand.

      Fox-Company wrote:

      His racist messages should be reported but any flag is allowed.

      The Fed's flag is in no way banned, as it was a flag that a break-off nation made, the South did not make the flag to support slavery it was based off their land.
      You've clearly never read any of the Southern States secession declarations. They virtually all explicitly stated the racial inferiority of those of African descent and used this to justify their secession in order to ensure their racial hierarchy at the time.
      agreed 100000%
      :00010164: :00008172: :00002178: :00002047: :00000156: :00010180: :00010317: