Light Tank Spam- And The Strategy Behind it.

    • Light Tank Spam- And The Strategy Behind it.

      Light Tank Spam, the great underrated strategy, capable of battling most tactics and has no definite anti-tactic, other than itself. The only other unit that will be needed in this tactic is artillery(and sea units if it's a sea map), Practically ANY game is beatable with Light Tank Spam and Artillery, So, its day 1, you pick, lets say, Egypt on a 22 map, you would instantly make 4 Tank Factories and make a Naval Port in Gaza, send your starting units in that area to Saudia-Arabia and Iraq, you would take them, if World Affairs are in your favor then you would make allies, but lets say your Solo, you would need to declare war on Libya, but defend against their first wave, you may or may not have LT's at this point, but you should have all of mainland Egypt's troops spaced evenly between the 2 provinces, after that advance with those units, now you should NOT defend captured provinces until your AT LEAST half way through Libya, thus enabling you to strike hard and fast, by day 2 you should have Libya, Saudia-Arabia, and Iraq, now you must attack Syria, no problem there, the(sadly) most likely situtation would be that Turkey quit(either just left at begining) or left early after seeing your progress or joined a coalition and is attacking Europe through Instanbul or in that general direction, from this point is really depends on what you wanna do, what i would do is capture Africa, build a strong defensive navy and build lots of industry, then go for countries with little or no captured land,and now its day 6 and you should have about 210-400 VP, maybe someone invades you, with your extensive Naval force you would have enough time to manouver and destroy them swiftly with bombardments and keep your artillery safe while it moves in to bombard from the ground, if they start winning, here's where the name came from- Spam Light Tanks, make ONLY Light Tanks in all cities for a day, then you should get about 20 LT's to fight back with, which would quickly demoralize them and make them possibly fall back or suicide charge, In this situation, DO NOT have your artillery anywhere near this, in case they snipe your artillery with their own, with the speed of the LT's and how little damage the Arty might do, you can quickly overrun their positions and take them, if they have allies then your probably fricked, but speed and scary-ness is a key advantage, no one wants to help their member if their being attacked by someone with this many units, unless they are pro players, then your 100% screwed, in this case- Spam Light Tanks. by now most of the map is taken by you and rival coalitions or other solo'rs, the other Solo'rs would be easy, espcially if they have lots of heavy armor, just play tag with their units and rush their cities. if this is not enough, then i will gladly make a YT video describing exactly how i did this on multiple occasions and as Canada(on 2 occasions) and the UK(once) of all countries, of course this Tactic is meant for most smaller maps and prob wont work on a 100 player map, it DOES work on a 50 player map, as North Mexico, as long as you have allies, and LT's are versitile enough to be used anywhere with allies, so its an overall good general unit to have at all times. Either you can yell at me or make suggestions, ask questions, and all that other junk. Most are gonna critisize me, which i know for a fact will happen, but if you don'y believe me, play a 22 map and use that tactic as a country that is good for it, Canada,African Nations, or Russian Empire, to list those that are good in the 22 map.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • Are you actually interested in feedback/discussion or is this a rant? Yes, for a new player who will be facing mostly other new players or AI, especially on a small map like the 22, spamming light tanks is a perfectly feasible strategy. You could also spam armored cars or medium tanks or mechanized infantry or tac bombers or rocket artillery and have a similar level of success.

      Your success here is not due to your choice of a superior unit mix and strategy, it's due to the simplicity of your opponents. If you were to run into any thinking player you would be destroyed rather easily.
    • strategies more effective:

      For stronger army: Medium tanks spam + rocket artillery
      For faster speed: Armoured cars + artillery

      I’m not saying light tank spam is bad but you do have better options. One medium tank can beat 3 light tanks at the same level and only cost 2 light tanks. The only unit light tanks are good against is only armoured cars and mechanised infantey. While medium tanks are well rounded and can kill anything easily except for HT, TD and anti tank. They are heavy armoured and will be more durable. If you want speed, go for armoured cars, they are really fast.
      :00010164: :00008172: :00002178: :00002047: :00000156: :00010180: :00010317:
    • Artillery with an infantry shield will kill you dead in your tracks.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      Artillery with an infantry shield will kill you dead in your tracks.
      I have yet to fight this or come across this tactic, and once i do i will say my tactic has failed.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • Its not about simplicity, it's about not even letting your enemy attack, give me a time when a newbie goes straight for good tactics. they spam infantry then upgrade it, that's the most common tactic. therefore this is a good tactic, but Armored cars are easily defeated by Med tanks. and Med tanks are easily defeated by playing tag with artillery and using AT's.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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      The post was edited 2 times, last by Fox-Company ().

    • Light Tanks are not easily defeated by AT's or Artillery as LT's are not their main target, heavy armor is, and along with the navy that you may or may not have, you can bombard thair coastal cities to hinder their production, thus giving you a major advantage, if no naval cities then you gain a safe landing zone, plus my tactic relies on a active player and someone who actually can use this tactic, if you've never used it i urge you to try, it has never failed me, espically when i commit myself to the game.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • jubjub bird wrote:

      Are you actually interested in feedback/discussion or is this a rant? Yes, for a new player who will be facing mostly other new players or AI, especially on a small map like the 22, spamming light tanks is a perfectly feasible strategy. You could also spam armored cars or medium tanks or mechanized infantry or tac bombers or rocket artillery and have a similar level of success.

      Your success here is not due to your choice of a superior unit mix and strategy, it's due to the simplicity of your opponents. If you were to run into any thinking player you would be destroyed rather easily.
      Then explain why i won a 50 Pacific with this tactic, i went up against alot of thinking players, and won, by using navy and LT's.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • jubjub bird wrote:

      Ok so a rant, thanks.

      You're just wrong about several things but this is like arguing with a child. Congrats on your win. I hope more players emulate your strategy.


      I was going to say something similar, but then I thought.... why not? We can have strategy guides for good players on large maps, and strategy guides for new payers on small maps. Compare LT spam to the official tutorial, which tells new players to "research and build a little bit of everything as soon as the tech is available", the worst possible strategy for any map. I see tons of new players following this approach. One recently told me "I've finished level 1 research on armor, now starting level 2". As if researching every kind of unit was a good thing. They were researching tech "in order" and not making a logical connection to what they needed to fight.

      New players are better off trying LT spam. At least it's well suited for offense (against other new players). And it encourages them to research, construct, and train what they actually NEED (or think they need). Later on, as their understanding of the game gets better, many of these lessons will continue to apply: focus your research on what you plan on using, construct what you need to build those units, and then build those units in large numbers.

      In summary, even if you think LT spam is a bad strategy with many counters, at least it's a strategy with a clear vision.
    • Undaunted wrote:

      ok I cant read all of long paragraphs but basically ıf you have LT , Art , ships

      why enemy cant have tactical bombers ??

      there isnt someone from 100 player cant produce bomber ?

      stop your army is very basic
      No plane is made to attack Light Armor, ha ha very funni planes, plus you start with AA, if you need it use it, i did not say "DoNt UsE yOuR sTaRtInG tRoOpS"
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • And LT Spam does require you to eventually upgrade your tanks, which then shows new players the importance behind upgrading and not just straight up true spamming.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • Sure, and it's easier to imagine upgrading 1 unit than 5 kinds of units. You can upgrade LT spam even with a crappy economy.

      The simplest way to improve LT spam is AC spam. One less tech to wait for. Better suited for killing infantry. Better view range. Better anti air defense. Better unit all around.
    • Fox-Company wrote:

      Light Tanks are not easily defeated by AT's or Artillery as LT's are not their main target, heavy armor is
      Run the math on how many turns a Light Tank lasts vs an AT or Artillery and compare it to a Medium Tank or Heavy Tank. Turns out, ATs and Artillery actually do easily defeat light tanks, and in fewer turns than it would take to defeat heavy armor. HP matters.

      Fox-Company wrote:

      No plane is made to attack Light Armor, ha ha very funni planes, plus you start with AA, if you need it use it, i did not say "DoNt UsE yOuR sTaRtInG tRoOpS"
      Likewise, just because no plane specializes in light armor doesn't mean planes don't absolutely destroy light tanks. If anything, LTs are more risky because both tacs and attack bombers have play against light armor, so you're screwed even if your opponent only specializes in one type. If your solution is to combine AA and LTs you've lost basically the only advantage LTs have: speed.

      You're incapable of receiving feedback but hopefully this information is helpful for folks who read this and want to improve their play.
    • Fox-Company wrote:

      Undaunted wrote:

      ok I cant read all of long paragraphs but basically ıf you have LT , Art , ships

      why enemy cant have tactical bombers ??

      there isnt someone from 100 player cant produce bomber ?

      stop your army is very basic
      No plane is made to attack Light Armor, ha ha very funni planes, plus you start with AA, if you need it use it, i did not say "DoNt UsE yOuR sTaRtInG tRoOpS"

      Fox-Company wrote:

      And LT Spam does require you to eventually upgrade your tanks, which then shows new players the importance behind upgrading and not just straight up true spamming.
      LOL man I hope you are just kidding