*In the jungle there are monsters, dose your alliance have what it takes!?*

      Attention Generals.

      For our one year anniversary the -TWW-Iron Monkey- group will host a tournament for the Call Of War community.
      A bracket will be made with 8 alliances going head to head, once selected you will be seeded by your alliance rank + Member ranks.

      * NO gold
      * Each match should be set by the higher seed
      * 5v5, set 10 players per match ( 7v7 in championship match)
      * Road To War maps (Clash Of Nations map in championship match)
      * Free country select (unless agreed upon)

      If you would like to put your alliances name in the pool to be selected or have other questions , post here or message President slabVIP - his Officers.

      Reserve alliances will be selected to fill in for:
      * gold usage (must be proven somehow)
      * failure to show to the set battle date

      Future dates will be set once seeding has finished

      The post was edited 3 times, last by -VIP- ().

    • TheZhukov wrote:

      -VIP- wrote:

      Zhukov, who do you work for now?
      No Quarter given

      Ditched 420

      Different goals

      Different code of honor

      Different Mindset

      I tried but we blew up a week back
      Sigma male chad lone wolf grind set
      10/10 wholesome Shrek big chungus Soviet Onion ultra instinct shaggy freedom gains MLG 360 dank Wehrmaboo Isekai military campaign mindset holy Trinity of Bible Torah and Quran 420 69 TheZhukov.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • 6thDragen: sanctioned? haha thats just what CapBlood asked. its honor system, we are outlaws on this one.
      its just there so its understood who should be making the match so people are not getting confused who's job it was, not really that important. evrything else is up to the alliances in that match. as long as the games are being done

      TheZhukov: Nice just checked em out, looks like a good team! sounds like CarKing the 34th got into the stash...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by -VIP- ().

    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      TheZhukov wrote:

      -VIP- wrote:

      Zhukov, who do you work for now?
      NQGNo Quarter given

      Ditched 420

      Different goals

      Different code of honor

      Different Mindset

      I tried but we blew up a week back
      Sigma male chad lone wolf grind set10/10 wholesome Shrek big chungus Soviet Onion ultra instinct shaggy freedom gains MLG 360 dank Wehrmaboo Isekai military campaign mindset holy Trinity of Bible Torah and Quran 420 69 TheZhukov.
      total roast lol

      -VIP- wrote:

      6thDragen: sanctioned? haha thats just what CapBlood asked. its honor system, we are outlaws on this one.
      its just there so its understood who should be making the match so people are not getting confused who's job it was, not really that important. evrything else is up to the alliances in that match. as long as the games are being done

      TheZhukov: Nice just checked em out, looks like a good team! sounds like CarKing the 34th got into the stash...
      Yeah, out ran us lol
      Glory to the Union!

      Glory to the Red Army!

      Glory to the Revolution!

      Marshal of the Forum High Command
    • -VIP- wrote:

      6thDragen: sanctioned? haha thats just what CapBlood asked. its honor system, we are outlaws on this one.
      its just there so its understood who should be making the match so people are not getting confused who's job it was, not really that important. evrything else is up to the alliances in that match. as long as the games are being done

      TheZhukov: Nice just checked em out, looks like a good team! sounds like CarKing the 34th got into the stash...
      I've never tried to get an event sanctioned by Bytro so Mods will do the gold checks. It could be worth exploring. I've heard a lot of horror stories about alliances agreeing to not use gold then getting accused of doing just that. Not sure how accurate those claims are, but gold/cards is designed to be discrete.

      If you chose to go with an honor system, that's your choice, but I think you'll see limited participation.
    • 6thDragon wrote:

      -VIP- wrote:

      6thDragen: sanctioned? haha thats just what CapBlood asked. its honor system, we are outlaws on this one.
      its just there so its understood who should be making the match so people are not getting confused who's job it was, not really that important. evrything else is up to the alliances in that match. as long as the games are being done

      TheZhukov: Nice just checked em out, looks like a good team! sounds like CarKing the 34th got into the stash...
      I've never tried to get an event sanctioned by Bytro so Mods will do the gold checks. It could be worth exploring. I've heard a lot of horror stories about alliances agreeing to not use gold then getting accused of doing just that. Not sure how accurate those claims are, but gold/cards is designed to be discrete.
      If you chose to go with an honor system, that's your choice, but I think you'll see limited participation.
      I have a way to check. Have each participant show their starting gold with a screenshot here on the forums (in a private conversation), when you start the map. Same with starting booster cards. I’d they gain any by ads, wins or purchases, make sure they show it. Then if an accusation is shown, they should reveal the amount of gold they have. And everyone reveals at the end. Should do the job, if y or want to make sure.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • i can hardly find one alliance for AvA's dont know how i thought i could find 8 :S

      i put my trust in alliances to not use gold by doing this, its just a game others can do the same

      and CarKing the 67th thats way to much to ask people to do, dont know if you seen the world lately but seems people cant be bothered with instructions

      The post was edited 1 time, last by -VIP- ().