Advanced Tips and Tricks: A Collection

    • O7

      RIP to all the men and women we send to die and sacrifice in our imperialist ambitions…

      Always remember that you are an evil empire trying to take over the world when you play this game! In maps where everyone starts equal you can all technically wait unit the game ends and get first place together or at least the gold but we must fight to the death! Senseless!

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • DxC wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      That is an awful way to treat units who fought hard for you
      I agree :) And you can always find some use for them. They can be on watch duty while they recover, or extra meat for baiting enemy artillery, or garrison strength, or whatever.
      Yes, I'm a bad person. It's not something I would consider in reality or if there was a way units recovered health more realistically.

      It's rare that my units get that banged up, but it happens to best of us. Besides, I usually make sure I take a cap just before day change so don't usually worry about revolts either.

      It's not really worth it anymore anyway. If a unit is that damaged, it's movement rate is reduced and hard to get to the front unless it's very recently damaged.

      I usually use damaged units for lookout duty anymore.
    • It's also not as bad of an idea to combine your weak and strong melee units as some may think. If you are using the most common strategy of avoiding melee and mostly using melee units as a front line to defend ranged units, the per stack power doesn't matter as much (in most situations). It's often more important to have more units in play than to have full health stacks.
    • I've wondered about this. It can go both ways. Sometimes, you get an extra unit in your stack, and it deals more defensive damage to the next bomber stack that tries to attack you. Other times, the depleted unit takes down your overall % health, making the entire stack less effective. In extreme cases, it slows down your movement rate, and then you really have a problem on your hands.

      Merging "green" units together is a no-brainer, but once mine get to the "red" stage, I keep them apart. My army does not benefit from the addition, and my main army is going into enemy territory where it cannot heal. The damaged unit stays behind, where it can heal, out of the way.

      I like the trick to get rid of almost-dead units to avoid paying upkeep. I should use it more often. The math supports this strategy. Add up the support costs for the time it takes for the unit to get into fighting shape, and then reach the front line. You'll find it's often cheaper to build a new unit. You might even find you need a different unit than the one being replaced. Don't feel like you have to make use of that red-lined level 1 AA gun. It's fine to let it go :)
    • z00mz00m wrote:

      Other times, the depleted unit takes down your overall % health, making the entire stack less effective
      Adding a unit(s) to a stack where the resulting stack size is <= 10 will always increase the stacks power, even if the added unit(s) are at zero HP. Not that I would do this, but, for example, imagine one full health unit with a power of 5, then adding a zero HP unit of the same type.

      Full health solo power: 5
      Combined power: 2 * 5 * (0.2+0.8*0.5) = 6

      Of course you don't want to make your stacks less than 50% health, but there are usually a lot of units that can be combined. If some are super unhealthy and have nothing better to do they can heal from 0 to 47% in 4 days.
    • 6thDragon wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      You can also suicide them into the enemy AI so you don’t mess up your K/D ratio. You can even bag a few provinces while you’re at it!
      Technically you have a separate KD against AI. I try not to obsess about KD rates, but I do make it a point of pride not to lose units to AI.
      I know that, it’s just that people usually ignore the AI K/D, which is easy to increase. It’s good to keep a decent K/D because you can use this in games to show how experienced you are, gaining some leverage.

      Why care about your henchmen when you can sacrifice them for more food?

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      6thDragon wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      You can also suicide them into the enemy AI so you don’t mess up your K/D ratio. You can even bag a few provinces while you’re at it!
      Technically you have a separate KD against AI. I try not to obsess about KD rates, but I do make it a point of pride not to lose units to AI.
      I know that, it’s just that people usually ignore the AI K/D, which is easy to increase. It’s good to keep a decent K/D because you can use this in games to show how experienced you are, gaining some leverage.
      Why care about your henchmen when you can sacrifice them for more food?
      I’m sure there’s something in the art of war about this… pretending when you’re weak when you’re strong, or strong when you’re weak?

      either way I love having a high k/d and will strive to improve mine from a measly 3.4 to 5 ASAP. My AI k/d is 40 but obvs its AI so noone rly cares
      Have a blessed day <3
    • Just a kind reminder to bring the thread back on track; while detailed discussions are very much encouraged, they will most likely confuse the newbies looking for Top 10 Tricks To Use To Beat Your Opponent In Call Of War, so let's add some additional tips ^^
      (Yall should def make a new thread discussing the finer details about the "red" units and the virtues/detriments about combining and various methohow to ds to use/sacrifice them :D )

      Curious, any tips regarding get rid of strat bombers, besides the obvious "have lvl 4 ints" (very hard with comintern or enemy also has anti-aircraft planes (ints and rocket fighters)

      Speaking of rocket fighters, how should they be used, if at all they are useful?

      Just some nice points to discuss cordially for everyone's benefit :thumbup:
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

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    • If I’m using nukes I tend to be using rocket fighters as well. This is because rocket fighters I find are very useful for protecting grounded nukes - since the nukes have 0 defensive damage themselves, the high aircraft damage of rocket fighters are very useful here.

      This can also be useful as it’ll waste me fewer rare materials in research (because there are only two levels of rocket fighter), meaning I get to save as much rare materials as possible to produce my nuclear bombers and nuclear rockets.

      Furthermore, this strategy has none of the disadvantages of rocket fighters - mostly pretty much their range. This is because I primarily use them on overnight patrol!

      Using this strategy alongside nuclear bombers I have more than once woken up to find a failed nuclear attack on me, the enemy nuclear bomber or aircraft failing to land a shot as my rocket fighter defensive damage comes in clutch.

      As for strategic bombers - IMO if you’ve got to the point where you’ve let your enemy have the time, resources, and manpower to research and produce a 10-stack (or more) of level 6/7 strategic bombers, you’ve lost the game anyway.

      to make this slightly more helpful - if your enemy has the time to do this, you probably have had the time to produce and research interceptors, rocket fighters, and anti air!

      Edit: I’m sure someone will come in arguing against the use of nuclear bombers. I am fully aware that nuclear bombers are inefficient, and some argue (persuasively) are a waste of time and resources. However, since this thread is for newbies, who probably want to just have fun (e.g. have fun with nukes go BOOM!), I think it would be good to learn what works well using this strategy :)
      Have a blessed day <3
    • _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      Speaking of rocket fighters, how should they be used, if at all they are useful?
      I've never used nukes so I'll leave others to offer advice on that.

      I have used rocket fighters, but not extensively, and I have very mixed feelings. They are available late, on day six and lvl 2 isn't available until day 14, but it takes 1 day and 10 hours to finish the research. I've rarely had games go that long.

      The rocket fighter is incredible to achieving air superiority, but it's low range is a limiting factor.

      The way I use interceptors, I use them for three purposes:
      1. Air superiority (kill enemy bombers so your ground troops don't have to worry about them and kill enemy interceptors to keep your own bombers safe)
      2. Armed reconnaissance.
      3. Group with your bombers to spread the damage they take when patrolling over ground troops to save the wear on your more expensive bombers.

      Rocket fighters are virtually worthless at the last two. Their range is limiting on the air superiority objective because the range means you will need to constantly stall advances so you can build new air strips to keep patrols over your advancing ground troops.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by 6thDragon ().

    • I’ve used nukes plenty of times before. It depends how you use them. Against large stacks they can be amazing, I once wiped out 30 lv 5/6 strategic bombers while they were grounded with just one. They also are good for political leverage against your enemy. Expensive but worth it once you get the hang of when and where to nukes.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • SamPGS_17 wrote:

      I’m sure there’s something in the art of war about this… pretending when you’re weak when you’re strong, or strong when you’re weak?
      Not the best when you could be left out of a good coalition or attacked because someone thinks you’re weaker. Having that respect from the start makes you a feared player from the start by many.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      SamPGS_17 wrote:

      I’m sure there’s something in the art of war about this… pretending when you’re weak when you’re strong, or strong when you’re weak?
      Not the best when you could be left out of a good coalition or attacked because someone thinks you’re weaker. Having that respect from the start makes you a feared player from the start by many.
      At the start, ‘good’ coalitions arent good, they just have active players in them (who may become inactive or lose land in future). It’s far better imo not to commit early.

      plus, if you’re overlooked as ‘weak’, or better yet attacked by a medium strength/skill player, you can beat them easily if it looks like you’re weak. Then once you beat them you can pretend you’re stronger than you are, intimidating opponents.
      Have a blessed day <3
    • 6thDragon wrote:

      _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      Speaking of rocket fighters, how should they be used, if at all they are useful?
      I've never used nukes so I'll leave others to offer advice on that.
      I have used rocket fighters, but not extensively, and I have very mixed feelings. They are available late, on day six and lvl 2 isn't available until day 14, but it takes 1 day and 10 hours to finish the research. I've rarely had games go that long.

      The rocket fighter is incredible to achieving air superiority, but it's low range is a limiting factor.

      The way I use interceptors, I use them for three purposes:
      1. Air superiority (kill enemy bombers so your ground troops don't have to worry about them and kill enemy interceptors to keep your own bombers safe)
      2. Armed reconnaissance.
      3. Group with your bombers to spread the damage they take when patrolling over ground troops to save the wear on your more expensive bombers.

      Rocket fighters are virtually worthless at the last two. Their range is limiting on the air superiority objective because the range means you will need to constantly stall advances so you can build new air strips to keep patrols over your advancing ground troops.

      Completely agree with all of this. But there are some games that build up to a big showdown. Two dominant coalitions are battling it out for control of the map. Both have advanced air forces. Both aim to achieve air superiority. The front line is static, or moving very slowly. Range is less of an issue. Resources are not an issue. There are airfields and infrastructure everywhere. At this point, the first coalition that comes in with stacks of rocket fighters will achieve air superiority. They still can't escort their bombers deep into enemy airspace, but they will control the airspace over the front line. The other side either has to ground their air force or risk losing it. The side controlling their air space with rocket fighters can start moving in small stacks, without fear of enemy bombers. They leverage the freedom of movement to swing the land battle in their favor. They build airfields closer to the front line, without fear of enemy bombers. Rocket fighters and bombers start reaching deeper into enemy territory. Wars can be decided this way.
    • SamPGS_17 wrote:

      At the start, ‘good’ coalitions arent good, they just have active players in them (who may become inactive or lose land in future). It’s far better imo not to commit early.
      plus, if you’re overlooked as ‘weak’, or better yet attacked by a medium strength/skill player, you can beat them easily if it looks like you’re weak. Then once you beat them you can pretend you’re stronger than you are, intimidating opponents.
      I didn’t necessarily mean at the start. Just in general a lower KD means that players would rather pick players with higher ones over you when adding people. You have to compensate a bit by having a stronger country than moth others.

      It could also be that you are attacked by multiple players or weakened in the war with a single player. It’s much better to start wars than to be attacked, as you’re more likely to be prepared for one. There are definitely situations where lower KD ratios are a disadvantage, and they most likely usually are.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate