Advanced Tips and Tricks: A Collection

    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      SamPGS_17 wrote:

      At the start, ‘good’ coalitions arent good, they just have active players in them (who may become inactive or lose land in future). It’s far better imo not to commit early.
      plus, if you’re overlooked as ‘weak’, or better yet attacked by a medium strength/skill player, you can beat them easily if it looks like you’re weak. Then once you beat them you can pretend you’re stronger than you are, intimidating opponents.
      I didn’t necessarily mean at the start. Just in general a lower KD means that players would rather pick players with higher ones over you when adding people. You have to compensate a bit by having a stronger country than moth others.
      It could also be that you are attacked by multiple players or weakened in the war with a single player. It’s much better to start wars than to be attacked, as you’re more likely to be prepared for one. There are definitely situations where lower KD ratios are a disadvantage, and they most likely usually are.
      Or, you’re germany with a 8 player k/d, France, the UK, and Poland are in a coalition and just invade you quick because they see your stats and wanna get u outta the way fast

      I agree tho I love high kd
      Have a blessed day <3
    • I’ve faced something like this as Germany before. Quickly killed Poland then fought France and the Italy at the same time alone with my coalition (which I made the mistake of joining in day 1) completely useless. Killed both of them and sent them to Africa. Was with the HSSR started. I was then attacked by the US France and Italy by sea, Yugoslavia was moving to attack me, the Netherlands betrayed and attacked me, and the Soviets were attacking as well. I had Egypt, India and Persia on my side. Needed up winning that game with India and Japan, betrayed Egypt while Persia went inactive.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      I’ve faced something like this as Germany before. Quickly killed Poland then fought France and the Italy at the same time alone with my coalition (which I made the mistake of joining in day 1) completely useless. Killed both of them and sent them to Africa. Was with the HSSR started. I was then attacked by the US France and Italy by sea, Yugoslavia was moving to attack me, the Netherlands betrayed and attacked me, and the Soviets were attacking as well. I had Egypt, India and Persia on my side. Needed up winning that game with India and Japan, betrayed Egypt while Persia went inactive.
      Yeah you’re talking about HWW

      I mean in a balanced game lmfao idc about your hww, ofc ur gonna win as germany
      Have a blessed day <3
    • "
      There’s skip upgrading. You build a large amount of low level units, like level 1 infantry. Research level 2. Then research level 3. Time it so by the time level 3 is reached the upgrade will not be complete, Instead of the being level 3 they’ll be level 3 for the cost and time needed for level 2. You can do this with any level skip or unit with levels. Except transport ships lol.

      Plane hordes. Make a large amount of tac’s, ints and attacks. Maybe strategic bombers if you have the resources somehow. Get them to at least level 3 or higher. With usually 10 of each you have a stack of planes that can fight anything. Land stacks? Blow them up, even ones with good AA get overwhelmed. Ints? Use tac’s or strats to blow their airstrip and wipe them out. Ships?
      Use your own ships and attack bombers and those fleets go bye-bye. Against good AA it can be depleted in health but not before doing huge subts of damage. Just don’t lose your airstrips.

      Shoot n’ scoot. Great against invading stacks. Use your atry’s range to shoot a stack and then back off. Using your fast speed in your homeland they can’t catch up. They come over, you shoot. Back up, and repeat. Eventually they’ll be depleted and easy to kill. Enemy arty can be a counter but if the player is not active or doesn’t fire in time you can hit them and move of range fast enough.

      Coastal bombardment. If you have naval superiority, simply move your fleets on the coast near their cities. Blow everything important up. Your ships can out range and/or overpower their artillery. They’ll need a lot of naval and/or attack bombers to force you back (carriers with ints are a good tactic against this. Basic and good use for carriers in general, happy @K.Rokossovski?) Either way if they don’t have enough ships and planes to throw you back a coastal nation fighting you is doomed.
      reply to this by carking

      skip upgrading --> its gd but many of us js forget to do it or are too lazy to time it so only do this in tourneys or internal games lol

      Plane hordes --> Unless ur an air player and have other allies supporting u i do not recommend u use this strategy. Especially against an experienced player, this strat can be easily countered because every good player ALWAYS has something against air . 1) Rocket fighters 2) late game stacks generally contain a lot of aa, for example theres usually 10 in rrg stacks 3) Air fields can be rushed by fast units like LT

      Shoot n' scoot, works depending on what stack ur fighting. " Using your fast speed in your homeland they can’t catch up." This is only the case about 50% of the time, it entirely depends on where the fight is taking place. When players use this, I recommend using force march, rush that stack, or if u hv air support, use it.

      Coastal bombardment --> if ur country has access to the sea, u shld hv smth against sea units. Btw no one produces ships in the early days so u dont hv to rush production of anti naval units.