Historic World War Japan Report Until Day 4

    • Historic World War Japan Report Until Day 4

      Hello Everyone!
      I am currently playing a Historic game as the Japanese Empire.
      To say that my coalition is winning, or atleast ahead of everyone else is not an overstatement.
      Let's start the report until the start of Day 4!

      Day 1:

      I quickly selected Japan, or as I call it, Dai Nippon Teikoku. I knew it would not be easy, considering that my economy at the start was next to rubbish, and the neighbours like Manchukuo and Kuomintang-controlled China would not like me being the dominant power. Anyway I quickly ferried most land units from the Naichi (Mainland Japan) to the Korean peninsula. Meanwhile I allied with Kuomintang China (I don't want to say Nationalist China over and over), Australia, British India, and most importantly the Soviet Union.

      One important development: I robbed Portugal of Macau and liberated the citizens :D from oppressive Portuguese rule and wrote a newspaper article claiming that I annexed Macau for revenge on the Portuguese invaders who colonised Nagasaki in 1571.
      I invaded Manchukuo wth the starting units in Korea and Mukden (Mukden means the Mukden in the World at War map) and used the paratrooper regiment in Naichi to annex Yingkow. The starting units quickly ran into rural provinces and secured themselves.

      Then the next challenge arrived: a Chiyoda armoured car at, if I'm correct, at Kingpeng. I used the tactical bombers in Beijing to patrol over the armoured car. By the next morning, my troops had reached the frontlines. Due to management of army orders, I had them right at the front, not in Korea or Mukden, except for a Type 95 Ha-Go light tank and two infantry which had annexed Hsinking.

      Day 2:

      By now the day had changed. I used the rest of the units to rush into Manchukuo, occasionally using Morale boosters to stop the provinces from revolting. By the end of the day I also got Harbin and Kiamusze easily.

      One important thing I should mention: I had sent 3 Ise Class battleships, 4 Sendai Class cruisers, 4 Fubuki Class destroyers, and 1 I-1 Klasse submarine to the location of the British fleet near Hong Kong, from the nearby fleets at Taiwan, some from the mainland fleets, etc. Then i used the artillery regiment which had bombarded Macau to "Surprise Attack!" the United Kingdom. My fleet won in 2 rounds of attacking and defending. I used this fleet to later bombard British Malaya and currently they are going to bombard Rangoon.

      I invaded Communist China and sent a force of 1 armoured car, 1 Light tank, and about 5 infantry to Kweihwa to defend it from almost all the army of Communist China. Kweihwa was safe.

      Day 3:

      The most inportant day yet. I took all that was left of the once puppet state of Manchukuo. Today I also finished off Lanzhou and the last remaining provinces of Communist China. One thing I should mention, that the militia took a heavy toll on my task force, destroying one infantry at Lintao, for which I was terribly angry and hit the impudent militia with two Type 95 75mm field guns. I invaded Mongolian land, and made an ambiguous deal with the Soviets to allow me some cities. He as of yet took Ulaanbaatar, Bayankhogor and is also fighting successfully in Altai. I will probably get Mandal-Ovoo and Bor-Undur, even though I don't need grain and rare materials.

      That was all for expansion. Let's see what I researched and what happened to my economy.


      1] Armoured Cars Level 2 and 3 (Chiyoda and Type 92 Jyu-Sokosha)

      2] Level 3 Tactical Bombers (Mitsubishi G4M 'Betty')

      3] Medium Tank Level 1 (Type 89 I-Go)

      4] Attack Bomber/Strike Aircraft Level 2 (Kawasaki Ki-32)

      5] Interceptor Level 4 (Nakajima Ki-44)

      6] Motorized Infantry Level 2 (Motorized Infantry Type 1940)

      That's about it for research. Let's see what happened to economy.

      Economical Development:

      Japan has an impotent economy at the start of game. Following is the industry level in all of my core cities.

      Tokyo: Industry Level 2 (I don't need rare materials)

      Nagasaki: Currently building Industry Level 4

      Hiroshima: Industry Level 4

      Takamatsu: Industry Level 1 (same reason as Tokyo)

      Osaka: Currently building Industry Level 2

      Nagano: Industry Level 1 (Why to spend industry in single resource province?)

      Niigata: Industry Level 2

      Sapporo: Currently building Industry Level 4

      I produce over 600/hour for all resources now. I need to focus a lot on goods and metal, they are the least produced per hour.

      Grain: 651/hour

      Goods: 603/hour

      Metal: 617/hour

      Oil: 640/hour

      Rare: 643/hour

      I also built a few recruiting stations to increase manpower from 714/hour at start to 1033/hour. Soon I will build more, 3 more currently building.
      "Another thing that has escaped your notice, Gisgo, is even more amazing: that, although there are so many of them, there is not one among them called Gisgo."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nobodyx2 ().

    • do not overdose me with unnecessary japanese naval names!!!
      *dies of dying*
      "Hate, union, freedom, justice, equality, war, peace, violence, blood. It is but a perfect mixture on destiny and our lives. It is for the mass we trust and for the mass we contribute, or to selfishly to personal greed we follow, it is up to your choices on what mixture you want. My mixture is a bit of everything with madness and humility in it, the virtues will black and sinful, just like I per say." - Kaiser Luther Ernst Willienburg.
    • @'KaiserOfAnonymous If you don't want to die, then you should not have bothered reading this piece of statistical medicine
      "Another thing that has escaped your notice, Gisgo, is even more amazing: that, although there are so many of them, there is not one among them called Gisgo."
    • hu9dqwgfuqdjiqwhsin9eqwoa
      "Hate, union, freedom, justice, equality, war, peace, violence, blood. It is but a perfect mixture on destiny and our lives. It is for the mass we trust and for the mass we contribute, or to selfishly to personal greed we follow, it is up to your choices on what mixture you want. My mixture is a bit of everything with madness and humility in it, the virtues will black and sinful, just like I per say." - Kaiser Luther Ernst Willienburg.