Info of different map modes

    • Info of different map modes

      Yes, guys, another useless thread. I hope I'm not spamming. Tell me and I'll stop straight away. Those who are foolish enough to read my posts thoroughly know I've only joined 4 CON games. I can share a bit about the map. But I really want to know what it's like in other maps. No need to argue about the best country in HWW though. You can discuss it in another thread.
      Clash of Nations- the kingdom of newbies
      As the tutorial map in COW, the map is famous for the high number of lv.1 newbies. Most newbies never return after completing the tutorial(though I still haven't seen any who didn't complete tutorial). Actually, I'm the only newbie who stayed active in my games. Half the players in the game turn inactive by day4. So if you want to experiment sth about AI( e.g. popularity), the map might be the best choice.
      However, being filled with of lv.1 accounts doesn't mean there aren't good players. About 6-10 players, depending on how lucky you are, try to expand. Of course most of them are not skilful.
      SUS dominant?
      In 3 games out of 4, SUS conquer the whole America. And SUS is always an active player. But it takes a long time to get to the other side of Atlanta.
      Africa-deadly zone?
      The most active players always choose Libya/Egypt.
    • You pretty much summed up the Europe experience, I hate that map so much in so many ways. For the most part just a bunch of newbies learning the game, and that random win farmer going through and slaughtering everyone.

      Homefront is the map of AI conquest, if you want to improve your AI kd, this is the place to do it as 95% of the lobby goes afk on day 4 every single game. Good for solo wins, because players suck on that map.

      HWW is snoozefest, everyone sucks, no one is active, probably the gamemode that most commonly never ends because the activity is so laughably low.

      World at War is the true Call of War experience in my opinion, it has the most active players and almost all inactives and AI are wiped out relatively quickly. You will see the most skilled players and gold users in this game so arguably the most difficult to win, but in my opinion it is a great place to refine your skills for this very reason.
      Say hi on the discord <3.
    • Meowy Mittens wrote:

      HWW is snoozefest, everyone sucks, no one is active, probably the gamemode that most commonly never ends because the activity is so laughably low.
      I wish you were wrong. If a reasonable number of people stay active it can be fantastic though, and it's my favourite map for that reason.
      The ACAI seems to attract more good players who stay active, but I can't confirm that they do because both times I joined one I died pretty early on.
      Her Ladyship Aragosta
      A.K.A. "The Backstab Person"

      Pan-Asian is a better doctrine than Axis when played correctly and you cannot change my mind.

      You just lost The Game.

      Join the Madness here:
      CoW Forum Players! Unite!
    • cycle9 wrote:

      I think the tutorial map is now the 50 player American Home Front, or has that changed?
      The 22 player Clash of Nations has no minimum rank, which might result in a large number of new players joining.
      When I joined, the system assigned me to CON as Finland. I think both are tutorial maps. And they're not only new, but they never come back after completing the tutorial.
    • You-Know-Who wrote:

      When I joined, the system assigned me to CON as Finland. I think both are tutorial maps. And they're not only new, but they never come back after completing the tutorial.
      Nope, you can choose to join them. Every time I want to join a HWW the Games page is flooded with the things.
      Her Ladyship Aragosta
      A.K.A. "The Backstab Person"

      Pan-Asian is a better doctrine than Axis when played correctly and you cannot change my mind.

      You just lost The Game.

      Join the Madness here:
      CoW Forum Players! Unite!
    • He's better than your average noob (the fact that he didn't go inactive on Day Four was already a good sign) which is the main reason why I didn't invade him. I figured it was worth encouraging him to keep playing, and going through with my previous plan to abuse my right of way to surprise-attack him would have achieved the opposite.

      It's mostly been the third person in our coalition teaching him stuff though, since most of the advice I have to offer is going to get him thrown out of other peoples' coalitions.
      Her Ladyship Aragosta
      A.K.A. "The Backstab Person"

      Pan-Asian is a better doctrine than Axis when played correctly and you cannot change my mind.

      You just lost The Game.

      Join the Madness here:
      CoW Forum Players! Unite!
    • He contributed a not-insignificant number of vicpoints to our sweeping victory a few hours ago, so he appears to have done so.
      Still the lowest contribution of us three, but to be fair that was on us for both expanding towards him in the early game and only really leaving him the Nordic countries to invade by Day Ten (which had already mostly been taken by Communist Russia anyway) while both of us had multiple, huge fronts.
      Her Ladyship Aragosta
      A.K.A. "The Backstab Person"

      Pan-Asian is a better doctrine than Axis when played correctly and you cannot change my mind.

      You just lost The Game.

      Join the Madness here:
      CoW Forum Players! Unite!