Happy Holidays - From the Bytro Team

    • Happy Holidays - From the Bytro Team

      ‘Tis the season of camaraderie and joy, and we're thrilled to have you with us as we celebrate this special time together! This year we reached many milestones and made great memories. Join us as we take a look at all that we achieved together this year.

      • Two exciting new units: the mighty Flame and Amphibious Tanks
      • Multiple balance passes to shake up the metagame
      • A new way to deploy your armies via Unit Cards, reshaping strategies
      • A complete revamp of the advisor system - enabling new players to have a strong start on their journey into Call of War
      • Exciting new visual effects thanks to the Particle Effects system
      • Complete overhaul of the production interface
      • A persistent chat history, enabling smooth Diplomacy between gaming sessions
      • Operations offering rewards for completing challenges across maps, rewarding active players
      • We added a 4x speed map version of “World at War”
      • Stunning new artwork in the loading screens - check our social media channels for downloadable wallpaper versions
      • Countless bug fixes and other improvements - thank you for all your reports and suggestions over this year, we couldn’t do it without you!

      Looking ahead, the new year promises even more excitement! We already have so much planned. Among new operations, events and seasonal units we also have some exciting plans for nukes… keep an eye out in the new year, those changes will arrive very soon!

      In the spirit of celebration, we invite you all to join the Call of Christmas Event map! Team up with two of your best friends and take control of Antarctica - bountiful rewards await you.

      And finally, it wouldn’t be Christmas without presents. Collect yours by taking part in the XMas Operation on December 24th!

      Thank you for being the heart and soul of our vibrant community. Your passion, feedback, and enthusiasm have fueled our journey this year. We are wishing you a holiday season filled with joy, warmth, and victories on and off the battlefield!

      Your Bytro Team

      Discord: Call of War
      Facebook: Call of War
      Twitter: Call of War