ALL SEA & AIR UNITS - 1.5 Guide

    • ALL SEA & AIR UNITS - 1.5 Guide

      A continuation of the original "ALL GROUND UNITS - 1.5 Guide". Sorry for the delay ^^

      Part 1 is complete, part 2 will be added shortly :thumbup:

      --- NAVAL ---
      *For clarity's sake, I'll refer to all non-submarine ships' classes as "surface" and submarine-class ships as "subsurface", since it can get confusing with "Naval" referring to the unit class as well as category, alongside the name and class for submarines being the same.

      Total Levels: 6
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Scout: Can uncover stealth units of the same or lower level (only submarines in this case)
      Prefered Targets: Subsurface
      Class: Surface
      Usage: ASW
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (+15% Damage vs Subsurface, +15% Speed, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Naval Bombers/Battleships
      Analysis: Destroyers mainly serve as a fleet's anti-submarine force, deterring enemy submarines from attacking capital ships, such as battleships and aircraft carriers. Combined with cruisers, these ships serve as escorts and screens for capital ships. Destroyers have the fastest speed out of any naval unit. These units are often considered the most fragile and vulnerable units in any navy, as they have the lowest HP and are vulnerable to both naval attacks by ranged ships (like cruisers and battleships) as well as aircraft, primarily naval bombers, alongside attack bombers (which have half the naval damage as naval bombers). As in their current form, destroyers are best used to locate submarines approaching a fleet and let ranged ships, such as cruisers or battleships, deal damage from far away, without approaching melee range. If you are aiming to protect your coast, destroyers are not recommended; instead, go for naval bombers (see below). Destroyers should only be used to accompany fleets to locate enemy submarines.

      Total Levels: 6
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: At Sea
      Prefered Targets: Surface
      Class: Subsurface
      Usage: Convoy Raiding, Opportunistic Strikes, Stealth Surveillance
      Doctrine Bonuses: Axis (+15% Damage vs Surface, +15% Speed, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: Allies (Later Research)
      Best Counter: Naval Bombers/Destroyers
      Analysis: Submarines are the wolves of the navy, operating as lone wolves or in wolfpacks to opportunistically strike unsuspecting targets, like unprotected capital ships or convoys. They can also act as invisible scouts, stationed on the coasts of potential or current enemies, to gather intel about ground or air units stationed near the coast. It is even possible to view the buildings in a coastal city, allowing easy surveillance without the use of aircraft, which can be seen by the opponent, or spies, which have a low chance of success and can be caught. Research and produce submarines as early on as possible if you are a coastal country; 90% of the time, your neighbours will research neither destroyers nor naval bombers, instead just going for cruisers or battleships. This allows you to sink whole fleets of ships (submarines are the cheapest naval unit, alongside destroyers), and remain undetected, protecting you from naval invasions. Paired with cruisers and naval bombers, you will dominate the sea without question in the early game. They are also great to station at chokepoints (such as the Suez Canal or the Straits of Medan) to block incoming convoys and fleets.

      Total Levels: 6
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Aircraft
      Class: Surface
      Usage: Coastal Bombardment, Semi-Ranged Anti-Ship, Anti-Aircraft, Scout
      Doctrine Bonuses: Comintern (+15% HP, Earlier Research), Pan-Asian (Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Submarines/Battleships
      Analysis: A jack-of-all-trades, cruisers are mid-sized ships that primarily have an anti-aircraft role in any fleet. These ships are often considered the "best" naval unit, as they offer decent anti-ship, great anti-air and moderate range to bombard coastal ground units, all for a moderate cost, especially compared to battleships. Cruisers are necessary to deter naval bombers and in the early game, are the only viable ships to produce alongside submarines on day 1. If you are a landlocked nation or only have 1 coastal city, it is entirely viable to just produce cruisers, especially for Comintern.
      Cruisers also have the highest view range out of any ship, making it a great scout as well. You can add a destroyer to a cruiser stack as well, since the destroyer's submarine detection will apply to the cruiser's sight range, allowing further detection of enemy submarines.

      Total Levels: 6
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Naval
      Class: Surface
      Usage: Coastal Bombardment and Ranged Anti-Ship
      Doctrine Bonuses: Pan-Asian (+10% Damage vs All, +10% HP, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: Comintern (Later Research)
      Best Counter: Naval Bombers/Submarines
      Analysis: The "king" of the ocean, battleships have the highest HP and damage output of all the ships, and dominate ship-to-ship combat. However, they are comparatively slower and more expensive than other ships, keeping them as a disadvantage. Battleships are also vulnerable to submarines and naval bombers, but because of their high HP, they are able to tank hits from single units. These ships are best used as Pan-Asian, since they're available on day 1 and have higher damage. It is also viable to use as an Axis nation, but beware that Axis battleships are very expensive. It is not recommended to use as Comintern, and as Allies, only use in the mid to late game, as early game cruisers are a better deal. Always pair your battleships with destroyer/cruiser stacks to deter submarines and naval bombers; NEVER send your battleships on their own unless you've played this game to the point where you can identify the exceptions.

      Aircraft Carrier:
      Total Levels: 6
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: None
      Class: Surface
      Usage: Carrying Aircraft (hence the name)
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (Earlier Research), Pan-Asian (Earlier Research, +20% Production Time, +1 Aircraft Capacity)
      Doctrine Detriments: Axis (Later Research)
      Best Counter: Any Anti-Ship Unit (Cruisers, Battleships, Submarines, Naval Bombers)
      Analysis: The "queen" of the ocean, carriers have only one goal in mind: bring aircraft to the battlefield at sea. Carriers allow the player to use aircraft even when deep in the middle of the ocean, far away from any land. carriers can be used to bring in naval bombers to destroy enemy fleets, interceptors to achieve air superiority, or tactical and attack bombers to attack coastal ground units. These are the only aircraft that can operate on carriers; strategic bombers, rocket fighters and nuclear bombers are off the table. Carriers give the player the chance to strike enemy fleets without risking any damage to themselves (assuming the enemy doesn't use carrier planes themselves!), reducing the effectiveness of units like battleships and submarines, whilst also necessitating the use of cruisers to deter enemy aircraft. However, carriers are sitting ducks by themselves, and need escorts such as battleships, cruisers and destroyers to protect them.

      Total Levels: 4
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: None
      Class: Surface
      Usage: Transport
      Doctrine Bonuses: None
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Any Anti-Ship Unit (Cruisers, Battleships, Submarines, Naval Bombers)
      Analysis: An interesting unit, and not one most would consider a true naval unit. Convoys are a peculiar unit, since they do not need to be produced or upgraded. There are a variety of tricks to learn, such as convoy stacking. If the enemy were to attack you with a cruiser, and you also had a cruiser, how would you make sure you won the battle? One strategy is to add convoys to your cruiser, giving it additional HP to "cushion" the damage. Units you don't need, such as leftover militia, can be used, and the higher the level of your convoys, the higher HP they have. Besides that useful (and slightly unethical) tip, researching higher-level convoys helps with naval invasions, as you have faster and sturdier transports, reducing the margin of error that could occur. Make sure to always escort convoys with destroyers and cruisers to deter submarines and naval bombers.
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • Alright, time for part 2!

      --- AIR ---

      Pan-Asian has a slightly higher patrol radius than other doctrines, giving it an advantageous position in some circumstances.

      Total Levels: 7
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Scout: Can uncover stealth units of the same or lower level (all stealth ground units, like militia, anti-tank, commandos, etc.)
      Prefered Targets: Aircraft
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Air Superiority
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (Earlier Research), Pan-Asian (+15% Attack Range, +15% Damage vs Aircraft, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: Comintern (Later Research)
      Best Counter: Anti-Air**/Interceptors
      Analysis: The staple of any air force, interceptors are used to take control of the skies. They prevent enemies from bombing your forces on the ground or at sea, and they also pave the way for your bombers to support attacks made by your troops. Interceptors also act as scouts, allowing them to spot stealth units when on patrol. Always make sure to keep interceptors with your bomber stacks, to locate stealth units that otherwise may have remained undetected, and to also dissuade enemy interceptors from attacking your bombers. The best interceptor doctrine by far is Pan-Asian, with its higher damage and range, outclassing all other doctrines' air superiority capabilities, so keep that in mind when using or going up against Pan-Asian. However, all nations must use interceptors, regardless of doctrine. The only possible exception to this rule is Comintern, and even then they can still be effective when producing an overwhelming amount to counter threats. Keep in mind that interceptors are carriable, meaning they can be used to assist in achieving air superiority in far-away lands and during naval invasions.

      Tactical Bomber:
      Total Levels: 7
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Unarmored
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Anti-Unarmored Support
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (+15% Damage vs Light Armor, +15% Attack Range, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Anti-Air*/Interceptors**
      Analysis: Tactical bombers present a nation with the ability to decimate unarmored units on the ground. This is especially useful in the early game, as nearly all troops of nations' starting armies are infantry units. This is especially the case for Allies, as they have an increased attack range compared to the default range. With the tactical bomber's already relatively large range, Allied tactical bombers will shred unprotected unarmored units, which is a point to keep in mind when facing enemies of this doctrine. These bombers are best used to destroy small stacks of unarmored or light armour targets, especially lone infantry, artillery or motorized infantry. However, larger stacks get progressively harder to kill and are not worth it especially when the opponent anti-air or SP anti-air shows its face. Keep in mind that tactical bombers are carriable, allowing them to be used to aid ground troops during coastal missions.

      Attack Bomber:
      Total Levels: 5
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Heavy Armor
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Anti-Heavy Armor Support
      Doctrine Bonuses: Axis (+15% Damage vs Unarmored, +15% Damage vs Heavy Armor, Earlier Research), Comintern (Earlier Research, +15% HP, -15% Production Time)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Anti-Air*/Interceptors**
      Analysis: Technically one of the newest aircraft added to Call of War (making its debut during the transition to CoW 1.5), attack bombers specialise in dealing damage to armoured units, focusing on heavy armour. Faster yet having a shorter range than a tactical bomber, many players are under the assumption they must choose between one of these units. In reality, though, both units are to some degree necessary in the doctrines. In general, for Axis, you should always go for attack bombers first, as you can quickly produce motorized infantry, dealing with unarmored units. However, if circumstances dictate, it is not wrong to produce tactical bombers as Axis. Likewise, for Comintern and Pan-Asian, both are equally effective, so it is not wrong to produce both (Pan-Asian slightly favours tactical bombers and Comintern favours attack bombers). The only doctrine to never produce attack bombers in is Allies; tactical bombers have enough range and with good anti-heavy armour units (SP artillery and tank destroyers), there is no excuse to build them. Keep in mind that attack bombers are carriable, allowing them to be used to aid ground troops during coastal missions.

      Strategic Bomber:
      Total Levels: 7
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Buildings/Morale
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Anti-Structure + Anti-Morale
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (+15% Attack Range, +15% HP)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Anti-Air*/Interceptors**
      [b]Analysis: [/b]Strategic bombers are often considered the most unusual of the air units, as they don't damage any unit, whether it be ground, air or naval, instead affecting only morale and buildings. These are the longest-ranged aircraft available (not counting nuclear bombers), meaning they can strike deep behind enemy lines and strategically bomb core cities, fortifications and infrastructure. This is especially true for nations with the Allies doctrine, with their even longer range and HP boost. Unlike the other main aircraft units, these are not carriable, meaning that airfields or air bases will need to be established to transport these units, especially across the ocean (this can be done on the various islands sprinkled throughout the seas). These bombers have high HP, meaning that multiple interceptors or anti-air units must be made to counter and dissuade them. Another method is to target the airfields/bases they operate from, by either using rockets, espionage, or even your strategic bombers.

      Naval Bomber:
      Total Levels: 7
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Scout: Can uncover stealth units of the same or lower level (submarines)
      Prefered Targets: Surface
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Anti-Naval
      Doctrine Bonuses: Pan-Asian (+15% Damage vs Surface, +15% Damange vs Subsurface, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: Comintern (Later Research)
      Best Counter: Interceptors**/Cruisers
      [b]Analysis: [/b]The name says it all; a bomber focused on naval warfare, with great damage to both surface and subsurface targets, and with the ability to detect submarines. This unit is perfect for protecting your coastline from submarine scouts and enemy fleets, especially in high numbers. What makes this unit one of the best bombers is that their best non-aircraft counter, cruisers, by themselves don't do much anti-aircraft damage. Since a single naval bomber is cheaper than a single cruiser, and since cruisers are static defenders (meaning they can realistically only defend from incoming attacks, they cannot attack the aircraft themselves), naval bombers are a very good dynamic alternative to ships. If you don't have much of a core coastline (or any core coastline at all!), you may not even need a navy at all! Just using naval bombers, you can prevent any incoming naval invasions, without needing to produce a single naval vessel.

      (continued below)
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • Flying Bomb:
      Total Levels: 1
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Buildings/Morale
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Strategic Warfare, One-Time Use
      Doctrine Bonuses: Axis (Earlier Research), Pan-Asian (+20% Damage vs All, -30% Production Time)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Anti-Air*
      [b]Analysis: [/b]A weak unit, flying bombs are the less successful cousin of rockets. This is because they can be shot down if the targetted enemy has enough anti-aircraft defensive damage. This relegates flying bombs to strategic bombing, and even though these units are very cheap to produce, they have a one-time use, making it more efficient to produce strategic bombers instead. Most players agree that flying bombs are not worth producing, and should just be considered a stepping stone in research to unlock better units.

      Total Levels: 4
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Buildings/Morale
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Strategic Warfare, One-Time Use
      Doctrine Bonuses: Axis (+15% Damage vs All, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: None
      [b]Analysis: [/b]A considerably better version of the flying bomb, the rocket fares much better. With supersonic capabilities, it cannot be shot down, essentially guaranteeing a successful strike on buildings and stationary troops. It is great for striking enemy cities, crippling industry, airfields and other infrastructure, or for even fighting entrenched armies along borders that are heavily fortified. Their main weakness is the necessity of airfields to launch from; if these can be destroyed, either through the use of bombing, espionage, ground warfare, or your rockets, the enemy will not get the opportunity to use rockets, leaving them in transports, in which they are vulnerable to tactical bombers. It is recommended that if you are making rockets you upgrade your Secret Labs to level 2, and even to higher levels for each level of rockets you research. This same principle applies to the following units as well, as even though they are included under the "AIR" section of this guide, they are produced using Secret Labs. As explained with flying bombs, rockets themselves aren't efficient because of their one-time use; however, because they are supersonic, the usefulness of this unit increases dramatically as it can attack stationary unit stacks with high anti-aircraft defensive damage without losing effectiveness. Just remember that, if the unit is moving or moves after the attack order has been given, the rocket will not update and will deal significantly less damage as the target moves further away from the original distance.

      Rocket Fighter:
      Total Levels: 2
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: Aircraft
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Short-Range Air Superiority
      Doctrine Bonuses: Axis (+15% Damage vs Aircraft, +15% Speed)
      Doctrine Detriments: None
      Best Counter: Anti-Air*/Interceptors**
      [b][b]Analysis: [/b][/b]One of the least known and used units, rocket fighters are high-speed, high-damage yet expensive and short-range aircraft that specialise in air superiority, alongside considerable damage to ground units as well. These are unlocked after researching flying bombs and usually act as a defensive resort to prevent targeted airstrikes and concentrated pushes from enemies at strategically valuable assets, like your core cities, airfields and infrastructure-rich areas, alongside defending troops from air attacks. Because of their range, they cannot effectively be used offensively, but are great at denying your airspace to opponents. Rocket fighters by themselves can also be used to target lone units with low anti-aircraft damage, with no need for other bombers. A downside of this unit is that it is not carriable, so is relegated to defensive positions, like protecting core lands.

      Nuclear Bomber:
      Total Levels: 3
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: All
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Strategic Warfare, One-Time Use, Nuclear Fallout
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (+15% Attack Range, +15% HP, Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: Pan-Asian (Later Research)
      Best Counter: Anti-Air*/Interceptors**
      [b][b]Analysis: [/b][/b]A bomber with very high range and damage, this unit can strike deep behind enemy lines and decimate the core lands of your opponents. These bombers can be countered by anti-air and interceptors, but be careful: with a high HP count, you will need a lot of aircraft damage to be able to take this unit down. A trick for those of you using this unit is to attack strategically, not tactically (meaning instead of directly attacking units, target provinces/cities). With a blast radius of 50, just by attacking an empty province, you can deal a lot of damage to surrounding units without having to risk being shot down. The best way is to target an empty province or city that has no units, and which is in the centre of the core lands, containing as many cities as possible within the radius. The downside of these units is their speed and cost. They have the speed of mid-game bombers and early-game interceptors, which significantly increase the time it takes to reach the target (TOT), allowing multiple attacks from interceptors or even rocket fighters, and giving your opponents more time to react to the situation. Thankfully, you can change your target mid-flight to adapt to the situation as it goes.

      Nuclear Rocket:
      Total Levels: 1
      Terrain Bonuses: N/A
      Stealth: None
      Prefered Targets: All
      Class: Aircraft
      Usage: Strategic Warfare, One-Time Use, Nuclear Fallout
      Doctrine Bonuses: Allies (Earlier Research)
      Doctrine Detriments: Pan-Asian (Later Research)
      Best Counter: None
      [b][b]Analysis: [/b][/b]A weapon of mass destruction, nuclear rockets are one-hit kills to all targets they encounter, and are the strongest unit in the game. They cannot be shot down, unlike nuclear bombers, meaning once they are flying towards you, there is no counter. The best way to use these is to make sure the city/province you are targeting is in the middle of many strategic targets, such as right in the middle of your opponent's core territory. These rockets can also be used tactically, but it is better to prioritise strategic targets first. However, it should be noted that, unlike the nuclear bombers, there is no risk of the rocket being shot down, so it can be argued that this unit has more tactical viability than a nuclear bomber. The only handicap to nuclear rockets is their cost and availability. A single rocket will cost over 10,000 rare materials, without even counting the research costs, so they are an expensive investment that should only be used very late game if even used at all.

      *Anti-Air can be substituted for SP Anti-Air
      **Interceptors can be substituted for Rocket Fighters
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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