Stats Improvements - New System Implemented

    • Geden wrote:

      Real time recording = stats are updated more or less instantly. You won't notice a massive difference compared to the old system, but it's quite a bit faster.
      It shouldn't have lost weeks of data, but there was a window of a few hours to half a day (varies between users) where data was "lost"(more accurately: it was recorded but not migrated to the new system).
      If there is a bigger discrepancy that occured over a longer timeframe please submit a ticket with support to see if they can help.
      This may have been covered but I notice I collected no achievements for a game that had been begun before the migration and finished like a day after.
      I would have got the Clash of Nations medallion and a few others but these don't seem to have been logged.
      If I started a new game, would they continue to update achievements?
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks
    • Geden wrote:

      xOrleans wrote:

      @Geden - So apparently there's a new "bug" that stops achievement progress from updating. Is this already on your radar and if so, do you guys have a fix in the pipe coming soon? Will the progress that's achieved during this time be kept or lost?
      Can you give me some more details? Especially if you have some affected usernames it'd be a big help to diagnose the issue. You can send them to me via DM so as to not spam those players here.
      Sure, just one second! Thank you.
      Kyrie Eleison
    • General2.0 wrote:

      General2.0 wrote:

      I played (and won) America Homefront for the first time last week and it is not showing up in the achievements as well.
      Yesterday and this morning I got a lot of achievements including win on America Homefront, so I guess my stats are ok now.

      Our Devs did a hotfix for some stats/achievement related issues yesterday. So if that did the trick i'm happy
      Discord: Call of War
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    • Lord Crayfish wrote:

      Geden wrote:

      Real time recording = stats are updated more or less instantly. You won't notice a massive difference compared to the old system, but it's quite a bit faster.
      It shouldn't have lost weeks of data, but there was a window of a few hours to half a day (varies between users) where data was "lost"(more accurately: it was recorded but not migrated to the new system).
      If there is a bigger discrepancy that occured over a longer timeframe please submit a ticket with support to see if they can help.
      This may have been covered but I notice I collected no achievements for a game that had been begun before the migration and finished like a day after.I would have got the Clash of Nations medallion and a few others but these don't seem to have been logged.
      If I started a new game, would they continue to update achievements?
      I have the same problem for 2 of my games, when I noticed it I reportet it as a bug ( months ago ) now that I look at the game statistics the only number that changed is joined games. It did not give me the 2 extra victories, stats, or achievements for those 2 games.