Pacific Blitzkrieg/Far East 1941

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    • Pacific Blitzkrieg/Far East 1941

      Since 1.5 the regrettable discontinuation of the Mediterranean 1941 round there've been only two historic modes available: Historic World War and Blitzkrieg.
      I am proposing or bringing up a map kind of like Historic version of the Pacific round, what Blitzkrieg is to Clash of Nations. People have brought this up on the subreddit and I think it's a good idea, it is larger than the Med and more like Blitzkrieg so more similar to Bytro's existing maps. Could call it Far East 1941 or Pacific 1941 or something like that.
      It should cover an area similar to the Pacific map:

      Countries start with historic balance, Nationalist China has low-level infantry and lots of militia, Japan and the US start with mighty navies, etc.
      The countries should probably have fewer VPs than in Historic, more like this:
      1 Japan - 80 VPs, capital Tokyo
      2 USA - 90 VPs (including Philippines), capital IDK, San Francisco?
      3 Nationalist China - 70 VPs, capital Chongqing
      4 United Kingdom - 50 VPs, capital Singapore or Rangoon; holds cities in Burma, Malaya, Ceylon and Hong Kong
      5 Australia - 50vps, capital Canberra
      6 Soviet Union - 60 VPs, capital Vladivostok or Irkutsk?
      7 Netherlands - 50 VPs, capital Batavia
      8 Manchukuo - 50 VPs, capital Hsinking
      9 British India? - 50 VPs, capital New Delhi
      10 Mongolia or Tibet, 50VPs
      AI: Bhutan Nepal Siam Tuva and Communist China 10 VPs, French Indochina, Xinjiang, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico 20 VPs

      I'm aware Bytro doesn't really talk about implementing new maps and likely has other things on its hands, but it's wishful thinking. What are your thoughts? Any feedback or suggestions?
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Lord Crayfish ().