Best country?

    • Best country?

      Hello folks :D

      So i have thinking about this for a long time now, wich is the best country?

      Well it all depends right, how do you define best? Best for defense or best on ressources, 1 country cant have high income on ALL ressources but am sure there must be like for example South argentina= high rare metal and algeria= high oil and so on...

      Do you guys have any ideas?

      In my opinion i think South Argentina have high rare metal income and UK, South africa and south argentina is the best isolated countries and easy to defend... :)
      God save us from people who mean well because most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions

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      The post was edited 1 time, last by valdrin00 ().

    • I can play Germany rather well, you just need to be offensively minded. But the UK and Japan are pretty decent, being islands gives them great standing
      "If the tanks succeed, then victory follows."- H.Guderian

      "Hit first ! Hit hard ! Keep on hitting ! ! (The 3 H's)" Admiral Jackie Fisher

      "The 3 Requisites for Success – Ruthless, Relentless, Remorseless(The 3 R's)" Admiral Fisher

      Crates: a Term used to define any unwanted and unneeded feature in CoW

      Game Username: LordStark01
    • TankBuster wrote:

      I can play Germany rather well, you just need to be offensively minded. But the UK and Japan are pretty decent, being islands gives them great standing
      Yeah exactly! Being island gives you great advantage, I play alot with germany but only on blitzkreig not on other maps. Its a risky game with germany because you risk being attacked from all diffrent ways, and a 2 front war would be automaticly lose. Its all about offensive, crush or be crushed!
      God save us from people who mean well because most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions

      Member of the RPU clan
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    • valdrin00 wrote:

      TankBuster wrote:

      I can play Germany rather well, you just need to be offensively minded. But the UK and Japan are pretty decent, being islands gives them great standing
      Yeah exactly! Being island gives you great advantage, I play alot with germany but only on blitzkreig not on other maps. Its a risky game with germany because you risk being attacked from all diffrent ways, and a 2 front war would be automaticly lose. Its all about offensive, crush or be crushed!
      Thats about the basics of it, being the UK lets you start fights and retreat across the channel, while any land locked nation (such as many of the US states in the 100 player map) mean you're thrown into combat
      "If the tanks succeed, then victory follows."- H.Guderian

      "Hit first ! Hit hard ! Keep on hitting ! ! (The 3 H's)" Admiral Jackie Fisher

      "The 3 Requisites for Success – Ruthless, Relentless, Remorseless(The 3 R's)" Admiral Fisher

      Crates: a Term used to define any unwanted and unneeded feature in CoW

      Game Username: LordStark01
    • Andrew G. wrote:

      I like japan, California, and France (only on the old Blitzkrieg)
      I dont know about before i started playing this game but am sure that Japan and California hasint been on Blitzkreig for about 3-5 months idk before that tho...
      God save us from people who mean well because most of the evil in this world is done by people with good intentions

      Member of the RPU clan
      Vote for Trump!
    • valdrin00 wrote:

      Andrew G. wrote:

      I like japan, California, and France (only on the old Blitzkrieg)
      I dont know about before i started playing this game but am sure that Japan and California hasint been on Blitzkreig for about 3-5 months idk before that tho...
      Sorry for the misunderstanding :D. I like japan and california on the world map, and France on the blitzkreig map. On the other maps I am pretty much indifferent and I will take a random country, as I enjoy the challenge.
    • valdrin00 wrote:

      Pablo22510 wrote:

      I like Spain and Equatorial Gabon.
      Any reasons?
      • Easy to conquer France, and from there the rest of Europe, and you have Algeria, Río de Oro and Morocco next to you, 2 of whom are AI, and they have a lot of RM.
      • 4 starting wheat provinces. Essential for later on.
      Equatorial Gabon:
      • Easy to take Africa (taking Belgian Congo is just a walk in the park)
      • 3 starting wheat provinces.
      The past is a foreign country.
    • Pablo22510 wrote:

      valdrin00 wrote:

      Pablo22510 wrote:

      I like Spain and Equatorial Gabon.
      Any reasons?
      • Easy to conquer France, and from there the rest of Europe, and you have Algeria, Río de Oro and Morocco next to you, 2 of whom are AI, and they have a lot of RM.
      • 4 starting wheat provinces. Essential for later on.
      Equatorial Gabon:
      • Easy to take Africa (taking Belgian Congo is just a walk in the park)
      • 3 starting wheat provinces.

      a lot of " easy to take on" ur not gonna play against newbies all the time
    • United Kingdom.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • Pablo22510 wrote:

      I like Spain and Equatorial Gabon.
      Interestingly, these were territories of the second Spanish Republic and the Spanish State.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • Perfect.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • Hi all, I was just thinking about something along these lines so thanks! I've been in three games so far and each time i've been given canada to control. So far I am 3-0 so it has been good for me. Actually in this third one I am in everyone else quit and it is now only day 26 so boo. But I must say having that big pond between has been probably yhe most helpful thing. Southern US probably is very similar to canada as it doesn't open the whole two front war. Well anyhow I just wished I had more time to play in some advanced games to see how I'd hold up against the big boys! Be well
      You in 2016!
    • I've always liked Yugoslavia on the Blitzkreig map. I don't know exactly why, but I've always dominated as them when I play as the slavs, despite starting with a low tech level. Maybe it's the oil, maybe it's because I can quickly take Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary if needed, making me much more powerful. (starting with Hungary to cut off the Balkans from Germany).

      Either Yugoslavia is a great country to star off as in Blitz, or I am just better starting off with a low level nation, as it gives me free reign really to focus on what branch of the armed forces I want to focus on most.
      We, the Chicken Liberation Army, are a powerful group, setting out to free all chicken brethren from the wretched hunger of Humans. Together, we shall avenge our fallen brethren, save our families, and stop the consumption of our fellow Chickens. Join us, and you too, can become a hero, among Chickens...

      The Chicken Liberation Army Needs You!
    • valdrin00 wrote:

      TankBuster wrote:

      I can play Germany rather well, you just need to be offensively minded. But the UK and Japan are pretty decent, being islands gives them great standing
      Yeah exactly! Being island gives you great advantage, I play alot with germany but only on blitzkreig not on other maps. Its a risky game with germany because you risk being attacked from all diffrent ways, and a 2 front war would be automaticly lose. Its all about offensive, crush or be crushed!
      Being an Island gives you a lot of disadvantages as well..

      after you take Japan, where to next?
      you will need a huge navy, and that will drain res from your army advancements, and then to be honest you need a big army to fight a land war in asia, and early on in the game, that can be tricky, building a large navy and army from japan..

      there are a good few disadvantages as well.. but still a lot of pros..

      I prefer australia, cos there a lot more to take, before you Island hope through Oceania

      If Socialists understood Economics, they wouldn't be socialists
      -Friedrich von Haye