Limited Gold Use Rounds

    • Limited Gold Use Rounds

      Please consider and share your thoughts. I’ve been playing CoW since 2015. The last 4 100 player maps have been dominated by massive gold users. It’s not fun. There is no skill. Please consider creating a subset of maps that limit gold use in total for the round or on a per day basis to maintain the purity of the game and the skill it takes to win without full on “buying” a round.
      I understand you all have been very patient to earn money in this business you have built, but I also believe there is a level of sanctity in minimal gold use games. Obviously, do what you want, but as a long time player I am growing frustrated.
      Thank you
      PDub 7277
    • Hi.

      I have a suggestion that may interest players that want to play a no gold skilled match. Perhaps if the community asked nicely, Bytro would bring back the Players League. For those that have not heard of it, the Players League was a Bytro sanctioned official event that allowed no gold use. This was checked by the Community Coordinator at regularly scheduled intervals. The league had its own rules and there were penalties for not following the rules. Games were basically monthly, and players accrued points as they played. Bytro also paid out rewards for placing in the league.

      There was also the Alliance World Cup, also sanctioned by Bytro and was a similar tournament as the players league, just it was for alliance v alliance. (This community event was wildly popular, with all language servers participating.)

      If any players are interested in these events, you need 2 approvals. The first would be from volunteer staff, as they would have to help with the organization and the moderation of such events. The second would be from Bytro paid staff, which means you need the first approval in order to get the second approval.

      As always, Hope this helps

      Storm :yes: