Release Notes - 2023-01-10

  • Release Notes - 2023-01-10

    Release Notes - 2023-01-10

    Attention, General!

    We hope you all arrived in the new year safely and joyful! For the first release of this year we will continue where we left off. This release brings many bug fixes, and a small but impactful quality of life change to the army details window. Let’s get started!

    We got a lot of feedback concerning the unclear HP levels of armies. You can now go to the Army details: there you will find a list of the units in your army, and their exact current HP value. This will help you make better judgments on whether your army is fit for battle, or whether it needs to return to the barracks for reinforcements!

    We fixed the broken Spectator Mode. Use it to scout out map layouts and strategize before joining the map yourself!
    Additionally, the split army dialogue no longer accepts decimal values. Units that were being split off via decimal value got stuck in place. We also changed the behavior of setting rally points at Sea. The rally point will now path along sea routes as intended, instead of drawing a direct line to the target.

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

    We wish you best of luck on the battlefield!

    Your Bytro Team
    Discord: Call of War
    Facebook: Call of War
    Twitter: Call of War
  • jubjub bird wrote:

    Meanwhile I'm just wondering why I never thought to split my units and send partial units off somewhere. Some of the bugs people discover are pretty amusing.
    split unit syndrome

    But for the rest very nice improvements, especially the ability to see the separate health status now, maybe a popup when hovering over the type is possible too, but this is already quite a thing instead of gambling over the "size"of the bar.
  • Gen. Smit wrote:

    jubjub bird wrote:

    Meanwhile I'm just wondering why I never thought to split my units and send partial units off somewhere. Some of the bugs people discover are pretty amusing.
    split unit syndrome
    But for the rest very nice improvements, especially the ability to see the separate health status now, maybe a popup when hovering over the type is possible too, but this is already quite a thing instead of gambling over the "size"of the bar.
    The health for each unit type was already in the game. So, they patched it out. Than, ofc, got several complaints. Now we have it back.

    And now to something completely different:
    is it possible that trades have been changed with the last update. If I offer a trade with 1k metal and only have 500 metal left to someone. The receiver isn't able to press the 'receive'-button (or whatever it is called in the english version) until I have 1000 metal or more?
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