Is it a noob move to use an interceptor to attack infantry units in the early game?

    • This is what a lot of people try at first, before they figure out how to read unit attack/defense stats and terrain modifiers. Why don't I strafe those infantry over there with my fighters, they used to do this all the time in WW2, should be pretty safe, right? Nope. Always look at unit stats and combined army stats. Things are not what they seem.
    • z00mz00m wrote:

      This is what a lot of people try at first, before they figure out how to read unit attack/defense stats and terrain modifiers. Why don't I strafe those infantry over there with my fighters, they used to do this all the time in WW2, should be pretty safe, right? Nope. Always look at unit stats and combined army stats. Things are not what they seem.
      I vaguely remember doing this.
      Strafing an entire regiment with fighters is a stupid idea in real life too. Even a small formation would have a couple of Bren guns defending it. An entire regiment would have at least some light anti-air weaponry besides small-arms.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks
    • Where is your source for that? Even then, AA is very inaccurate and would take time to ready, and by then your men could already have holes in them while the enemy plane flies far away. In WW2 the allies didn’t really even have to worry too much about German planes when facing them past 1943; the Luftwaffe was obliterated and only was able to commit minor incursions that were repelled by allied planes or had little effect anyway.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Very noob move. Interceptors should be used as a scout or a defense for bombers, as well as anti-air. NOT attacking ground troops, save that for your Tactical bomber and Attack bomber. I watch a YouTuber named BMfox Call of War, he has a video on planes and how to effectively use them!!
    • -BLOOP- wrote:

      Germany is using an interceptor to attack my stack of 2 infantry. He is hardly giving me any damage, but I am giving him back more damage. THere seems to be no point in it.
      I mean, the answer isn't black and white. You obv shudn't attack with a lone int against inf, but in my (and Sam's, I believe) Ukraine playthroughs, we got 3-4 int in one stack (Axis, mind you) and strafed lone Caucasian inf regiments. Damage was less that 5% I believe. I suppose we were playing for speed tho, so maybe not worth it in the long run.
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      Where is your source for that? Even then, AA is very inaccurate and would take time to ready, and by then your men could already have holes in them while the enemy plane flies far away. In WW2 the allies didn’t really even have to worry too much about German planes when facing them past 1943; the Luftwaffe was obliterated and only was able to commit minor incursions that were repelled by allied planes or had little effect anyway.
      At least in the European and North African theatres, every major player (British, German, Italian, Polish, Soviet, French, Rumanian, American) equipped most infantry formations of upward of a regiment with heavy machine-guns with intent for use in anti-air mounts. Can't vouch for artillery regiments, at least not in the British Army.

      Of course everybody had machine-guns and rifles which would inflict at least some losses against strafing fire, albeit not against level bombing. One has only to read accounts of such attacks.

      Specialised AA batteries including flak guns would usually be attached organically to divisions where air superiority was lacking. As you've suggested, these were to useless unless an attack was anticipated and prepared for. I'm not saying all infantry regiments would have a flak gun. But what I'm saying is that infantry weapons themselves would realistically do at least scratch damage to low-altitude attackers.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks
    • _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      -BLOOP- wrote:

      Germany is using an interceptor to attack my stack of 2 infantry. He is hardly giving me any damage, but I am giving him back more damage. THere seems to be no point in it.
      I mean, the answer isn't black and white. You obv shudn't attack with a lone int against inf, but in my (and Sam's, I believe) Ukraine playthroughs, we got 3-4 int in one stack (Axis, mind you) and strafed lone Caucasian inf regiments. Damage was less that 5% I believe. I suppose we were playing for speed tho, so maybe not worth it in the long run.
      Level 6 ints can take out level 4 ACs

      In a 10 stack of course
      Glory to the Union!

      Glory to the Red Army!

      Glory to the Revolution!

      Marshal of the Forum High Command
    • _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      -BLOOP- wrote:

      Germany is using an interceptor to attack my stack of 2 infantry. He is hardly giving me any damage, but I am giving him back more damage. THere seems to be no point in it.
      I mean, the answer isn't black and white. You obv shudn't attack with a lone int against inf, but in my (and Sam's, I believe) Ukraine playthroughs, we got 3-4 int in one stack (Axis, mind you) and strafed lone Caucasian inf regiments. Damage was less that 5% I believe. I suppose we were playing for speed tho, so maybe not worth it in the long run.
      Yeah, a 10-stack of at least level 3 ints can actually do reasonable damage over time against low-level small stacks of infantry - in fact they can even be better against heavy armoured units without AA protection due to the extremely low natural AA fire of medium and heavy tanks. This can be useful and even save resources and time, meaning you don’t necessarily have to invest time and resources into researching tactical and attack bombers.

      But, bear in mind, this should never be used against an experienced player because they will almost always have some form of AA in a reasonable stack!
      Have a blessed day <3
    • The_tank_Man wrote:

      Very noob move. Interceptors should be used as a scout or a defense for bombers, as well as anti-air. NOT attacking ground troops, save that for your Tactical bomber and Attack bomber. I watch a YouTuber named BMfox Call of War, he has a video on planes and how to effectively use them!!
      I think he’s also in this forum.
      Looking for improvement.
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      He went inactive after being fired, though.
      Wasn't it the other way around?
      Idk, I just know he is no longer in these forums.
      He wasn't super active in his last few months, and after that I think he went inactive, then got fired (if he did; he might've just resigned)
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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