Docked Ships?

    • This happens sometimes when the ships are docked too close to the city point, your best bet is to patrol over the ships, this is also straight up better, patroling does more damage over time and never requires the planes to refuel.
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • Direct attack is very risky. Your planes are easy prey on the way back to base, and while they refuel. You have no control over them during this time. Avoid direct attack and patrol 99% of the time.

      The trick with patrol is to pay attention to what is inside the blue patrol area. Look before the 15 minute patrol timer ticks. Make sure you are targeting what you intend. If not, adjust the patrol so the circle avoids things like stacks with high AA values or enemy aircraft. Unless you are patrolling with fighters, in which case only target enemy planes and nothing else.

      This goes for direct attack also. I see people making bad targeting decisions all the time. Open the army tab and look at your target's AA defense. If you are not dealing 4-5 times the damage to him that he's doing to you, then find another target. Planes are expensive and fragile. Use them on soft targets.
    • I’d say 3-5, as the vast majority of stacks with similar amounts of units (worth targeting) fall into that range. If you’re going for a big airforce you have to go after big targets as well, within a reasonable amount of risk.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • z00mz00m wrote:

      Direct attack is very risky. Your planes are easy prey on the way back to base, and while they refuel. You have no control over them during this time. Avoid direct attack and patrol 99% of the time.

      The trick with patrol is to pay attention to what is inside the blue patrol area. Look before the 15 minute patrol timer ticks. Make sure you are targeting what you intend. If not, adjust the patrol so the circle avoids things like stacks with high AA values or enemy aircraft. Unless you are patrolling with fighters, in which case only target enemy planes and nothing else.

      This goes for direct attack also. I see people making bad targeting decisions all the time. Open the army tab and look at your target's AA defense. If you are not dealing 4-5 times the damage to him that he's doing to you, then find another target. Planes are expensive and fragile. Use them on soft targets.
      Carking in the last WAW we played together intentionally attacking giant AA stacks because his plane stack was 2k+ health:
      "I have not failed, i have just found 10,000 ways that wont work." - Thomas Edison

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    • You-Know-Who wrote:

      When patrolling, your planes deal 50% of ordinary attack damage and absorb 50% of the damage from units in patrol area( planes that overlap your patrol count too). There shouldn’t be any difference.
      But there is a difference! Consider a ground stack you can kill by only doing half your attack damage. If you patrol, that ground stack will only deal half their defensive damage to you. If you direct attack, they will do full damage to you. In my sometimes humble opinion, the math is pretty easy.

      Don’t get me wrong, there are times direct attack is better, but patrol should always be the first option to consider.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by 6thDragon ().

    • The trick with patrol is to pay attention to what is inside the blue patrol area. Look before the 15 minute patrol timer ticks. Make sure you are targeting what you intend. If not, adjust the patrol so the circle avoids things like stacks with high AA values or enemy aircraft. Unless you are patrolling with fighters, in which case only target enemy planes and nothing else.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by zempa5466 ().